Best Running Shoes
Best Running Shoes
Every runner is unique in how he trains and runs, and he does not have a perfect running shoe that fits all the runners. Every runner has to be able to evaluate and choose the shoes that are best for him. The best running shoe depends on the shape of your foot, your biomechanics and your running distance. Running shoes are designed to protect your feet from the road, traction on different surfaces, sucking cushions and supporting your feet. The other thing you will notice is that you will run. Now let's first examine the features of running shoes that match the foot type.
Running Shoes by Foot Type
Below, you can see graphically the pressures that occur on the floor when you press it with three basic types of foot structure, naked without shoelaces.
Overpronated Running Shoes
Low arched or in other words flat feet will tend to press the floor with the heel when running. Then the weight will be transferred along the foot and the foot will go back too much. A low arched foot requires a running shoe with more movement control due to this feature.
Running shoes with motion control prevent the foot from turning too deep during transfer of weight through the foot. For stability or support, a hard material is cushioned on the inside of the midsole of the shoe. The hardness of the shoe gives better control of the movement. Be careful that the outsole is made of carbon rubber for added durability.
Running Shoes for Regular or Neutral
A normal foot will have a normal motion when running. The foot will lightly protrude to the outside of the ball. While the weight is transferred along the foot, it rolls forward slightly toward the tip. This chokin helps in the absorption. These normal legs need a balanced running shoe.
Balanced running shoes have fewer elements than other running shoe types have. Some have motion control and cushioning. This structure helps to minimize injuries. The outer base can be carbon rubber.
Underpronated Running Shoes for Feet
The high arched foot tends to run from a point close to the center of the ball at times during running. The weight makes a slight turn while transferring along the foot. This action is not good for shock absorption. For this reason running shoes for high-arched feet require cushioning.
Padded running shoes contain more cushioning material than others. This shoe supports the rotation of the foot, which is the minus of the high-arched foot. What this foot type needs is a combination of rolling and cushioning features to provide superior shock absorption. If running is causing injury, a high arched foot may require an orthosis. The padded shoes tend to stretch more.
Running Shoes Available on the Floor
Running shoes differ according to the floor where the running activity is made. These are trail run, road run and runway run. The road, the runway and the trail running shoes are completely different from each other. One is ground, while the other is wet, slippery and rough.
Road and Runway Running Shoes
They have a thin rubber on a long and solid base. This shoe is also suitable for running on pistes.
Road and Trail Running Shoes
These shoes are for running on footpaths, walking paths and normal roads. Below the shoe are caterpillars that can be tackled with irregular and pebble grounds.
Outdoor Running Shoes
Clutch is very important in running shoes to be used in natural places outside of smooth roads. This type of running shoes is also suitable for walking, rocky hills and different terrain and off-road conditions. The bottom of the shoe has deep knots.
Last Word on the Best Running Shoes
If we were to summarize the basic features that a running shoe should carry;
• Superior cushioning
• Stretching from the right place
• Balance or motion control
• Strenght on roads
• Balance and hardness where required
• Night reflection
• Breathability
Good quality running shoes are designed to absorb an odor of 2.5 times the weight of the body, and the stride that is repeatedly exposed to the feet, legs and the whole body for kilometers provides the best protection. I hope you have some useful information about choosing the shoes that are right for you. Wishing to have healthy and sporty days.
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