Paleo Diet!

Paleo Diet
I'm going to talk to you about a diet system that has followed many people in recent years. Paleo diet!
The name is abbreviated as the paleolithic (stone-devolved) period. In fact, the boundaries of the diet are more or less evident in terms of stone devolution; We will explain the small nuances, the points to be noticed, the pluses and minuses.
Being a full paleo can be a bit of a hassle for you. But I know you will not give up.
We're getting started!

Paleo diet Philosophy
Replace the caveman-woman who lived in the stone age. Yes, there are fast-running game animals, hunter animals, plants, fruits and vegetables. How did you survive? Of course, by constant hunting and gathering, the calories you spend on the greasy meats of the animals, and the vegetables you can not cook and the fruits that you gather.
Yes, now return to your kitchen without ever breaking this dream. You are still a caveman-woman. Take out everything that you can not get from stone in your dolphin.
We do not even have to remind you that you have to eat here in every vegetable-fruit season.
So if we think that human genes are still like those old stone-devoted people, we are doing nothing but re-experiencing an event that we are experiencing now. If we are fed like old people then we can be as healthy, athletic and full of joy as they are.
After you have removed the foods that are contrary to the paleo diet in your cupboard, you are now ready to start. All you have to do is to start nourishing like a caveman-woman, to live naturally. Are the spots you need to pay attention to?
Finally, let's give an example from animals. For hundreds of thousands of years, animals are fed the same way. Still athletic, weak and healthy. Nutrition patterns did not change.
The animals that change the way of eating are soon becoming unhealthy and overweight. (We often start to witness how animals fed with unaltered food are becoming fat.)
We can think of it as a diesel-engineered vehicle that will be taken back 100 years and waiting for gasoline to work properly.
Paleo diet and Banned foods
- Whole-grain foods are forbidden.
- Unprocessed pulses should not be consumed if possible.
- Seed oils (sunflower, canola, corn oil, cottonseed oil) are prohibited.
- Natural dairy products (Kefir cheese, yoghurt) should not be consumed if possible.
- Eggs (Eggs should preferably be consumed.) If there is no risk of 1-4 infections per day, it should be eaten raw, if it is not renewable, it should be refined if it is boiled.
- Crusty nuts are unsalted and unprocessed walnuts, nuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, pistachio nuts are limited edible
- Fruits with too much sugar content (apricot, peach, grape, banana) are prohibited. Fruits with low sugar content can be eaten in limited quantities.
- The cups should not be completely forbidden but coffee should be preferred and the amount should be reduced.
- Energy drinks, refined fruit juices, bread is forbidden.
- Sunshine. This diet will help you cope with the common D deficiency of vitamins.
- Cook little.
- Try not to consume legumes. If you have to consume, wait 48 hours in the water and cook. (Change water in 8 hours)
- Consume the meat of natural animals.
- Drink plenty of fluids.
- Sleep for at least 5 to 9 hours. (If you are having a sleeping problem, I recommend you read all about sleep.)
- Play sports. A moving life was the style of old people. (Moving life is not life but sports life.)
- Do not take too much alcohol.
- Try to consume important antioxidant sources such as garlic and onions frequently.
How does the Paleo Diet work?
The paleo diet, which I think is generally related to the genetic properties of the body that the beneficiary gains over the years, also breaks insulin resistance and is also very effective. Accelerated fat burning along with broken insulin resistance will miraculously lose weight.
One thing to note is the decreasing blood sugar values. With the decrease in these values, the density and content of our blood will change naturally. If this change happens rapidly, the body will not be able to keep up with these changes.
Do not plan to end your years of sugar and carbohydrate addiction in 1 day. Give yourself time and enjoy a healthy life so that your body adapts to the Paleo diet.
How should I start the Paleo diet?
The Paleo diet, along with the name, can create many question marks in your head. If you do not know how to start a Paleo diet, the following steps will help you.
The Paleo diet suggests low carbohydrate, moderate protein and high fat intake. For this reason you should not be afraid of animal fats, keep protein intake high and avoid carbohydrate intake.
You should take the fat from animal fat. After animal fats you will prefer coconut oil and olive oil.
Be careful to use the oils as raw on the foods you consume, not during cooking.
You should not consume excessive amounts of fruit and nuts. You should pay attention to the fact that the fruit you consume is a fruit with a high antioxidant content with a low carbohydrate content.
You should be careful to remove legumes from your diet. Beans, corn, chickpeas come at the head of these legumes.
Try not to choose milk and milk products as much as possible.
Remove all acidic drinks from your life.
Do not forget that the diet is designed to be more healthy than aesthetic.
Paleo diet FAQ
Do I have to get fed often? The paleo diet does not recommend it, as many diets often suggest that you feed. Let's go back to the philosophy of paleo diet. Old people did not have ready resources to eat regularly, they hunted when they were hunted or gathered and fed when they got nutrients. For this reason, you do not need to feed on the paleo diet often. It's enough for you to continue your paleo diet when you are fed.
Should I cut the carbohydrate on the Paleo diet? A question frequently asked by newcomers to the Paleo diet is "Should I cut the carbohydrate diet on the Paleo diet? "The answer to the question is no! In stone age, people were not confronted with nutrients containing as much carbohydrate as humans. For this reason, limited carbohydrate intake was necessary for them. In the Paleo diet, root vegetables and fruit are still among the free foods, although the same reasonably processed cereal-derived carbohydrates are banned.
Does protein-weighted feeding harm my kidneys? No! Research shows that people with a healthy kidney do not suffer from protein-based diets. If you have a healthy couple of kidneys you should not worry about paleo diet. How many grams of protein should I take daily for the amount of protein you need daily? You can review my article.
Paleo diet products
One of the most frequently asked questions in recent times is the paleo diet, which is sold over the internet, about tobacco, pills and other components.
I certainly do not recommend these paleo diet followers who are totally in contradiction with the principle of consuming the foods that make up the philosophy of the Paleo diet unprocessed and the state of nature.
I witness the comparison of paleo diet with shock diets made in many places. Paleo diet is not a shock diet system and is one of the most suitable dietary systems for human biochemistry.
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