A number of studies have been published showing that dental and gingival diseases are associated with heart attacks. We know that cardiovascular disease is seen more often in people who have prematurely spilled their teeth. People who do not look good on their teeth and do not pay attention to oral hygiene increase the risk of heart attack and stroke by 25%. As you are saying, "What is the relationship between our teeth and our heart vessels?", Researchers blame two bacteria, Tannerella forsynthesis and Preventella Intermedia, who make tooth decays. Short-term infections are not a disadvantage, but for decades chronic tooth and gum problems, these bacteria themselves or their immune system damage the heart's veins in a way.

Dental Health and Brain Health Relationship
According to a paper published in the last issue of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, forgetfulness and dementia; When their teeth are lost early, their teeth are more than three times more likely than those who are firm. Researchers believe that oral and gingival infections can affect the brain by altering some of the underlying factors. Some people think that if they do not feed their daughters early enough to lose their teeth early enough, their brain functions will be more quickly deteriorated. It is not a good thing to lose teeth in one way or another. By brushing after each meal, you can protect both your teeth and your memory by using floss.

What should we do to protect tooth health?
For a Healthy Teeth 1: Tooth Brushing
I know everybody who reads this site brushes your teeth at least once a day. It would be better if you cut it in half. If you brush after lunch, you will get three stars.
For a Healthy Teeth 2: Tooth Tooth Use
The use of dental floss was not widespread in our country. Investigations show that regular dental application reduces tooth problems and premature decay. If you do not have regular habits, floss between your teeth at least twice a week. Normally there is little space between the teeth to allow food to accumulate, but occasionally this gap opens up in teeth that are filled with stuffed teeth or for other reasons, and an appropriate condition for the collection of food debris occurs. Pay particular attention to these zones.
For a Healthy Teeth 3: Do not Throw On A Continuous Thing
Salivary secretion increases when we eat. A benefit of saliva is to soften and help digestion; The other is to clean the mouth with acid structure. If you keep something in your mouth, this cleaning process can not be done exactly. This is one of the reasons why I have not given much credit to the recommendation of "recompense" that has become fashionable in recent years. Dr. Manitoba University. Anthony M. Lacapino says if you do not want to be rotten in your teeth, do not eat more than three meals a day and do not take snacks. (I am excluded from this recommendation because of the hypoglycemia diagnosis and excessive blood glucose levels.)
For a Healthy Teeth 4: Stay away from coke
These include sweetened beverages that do not contain sugar. If you are at your place "I will not put sugar and sugar drinks from now on" I get a decision. You add a lifetime. Carbonated drinks are even more harmful because they increase acidity in the mouth. There are sugar or sweeteners in all the tin cans and bottled drinks sold in the market. It is known that more or less all are harmful. When the sugars in these drinks are broken down by the bacteria in the mouth, the resulting acids have been shown to corrode the hard layer of the tooth surface. The most useful drink for teeth is water.

For a Healthy Teeth 5: No Sugar!
Sugar gum, viscous sugar sticking to the tooth, is more harmful because it is difficult to clean by saliva. I eat a spoonful of honey every morning to me, the first thing I say is that you pay attention to your teeth. If honey habitants can not brush their teeth, they can be very harmless. (
For a Healthy Teeth 6: Minimize Starchy Foods
Foods with strong starch structure, such as white bread, pastry, cookies, rice, potatoes, damage the teeth by increasing bacterial acidity in the mouth.
For a Healthy Teeth 7: Do not put a candle on your cheesecake and your tea
Drinks such as coffee and tea are sipped, so if there is little sugar in it, it is harmful to the teeth
For a Healthy Teeth 8: Hard Foods Do not tamper, Do not break the shells
I need to remind this story especially for young people. As they have done for a while, they will not crack the ice in their mouths. When they break the nuts, they say that nothing happens to me and they do not use their teeth. Watch out for the explosion, and when they break down the last unburnt grains, they can damage their teeth immediately. It has been shown for certain that such forces are caused by premature fractures in the teeth and cracks in the toothpaste in the long run.
For a Healthy Teeth 9; Sugar free gums are not harmful, even useful
Unsweetened and non-sweetened, without additives, chewing gum is beneficial for the teeth because they increase salivation. In one place they clean the inside of the mouth.
For a Healthy Teeth 9; Orange, Mandarin, Greyfruit, Lemon, Sour Apple Useful
These fruits, which have high acid content, increase the salivary secretion and balance the acid level for the mouth and protect the teeth.
For a Healthy Teeth 10; Milk and Cheese Useful
It has been shown that the enamel layer of protein, calcium and phosphorus contents of milk and cheese inhibits erimes. Milk and cheese increase the proportion of beneficial bacteria in the mouth.
For a Healthy Teeth 11; Omega 3 Important
Fish and flax seeds are beneficial for teeth and gum disease due to their omega 3 content.
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