How to Solve Getting Fat Problem?

How to Solve Getting Fat Problem?
I'm Getting Fat , I Eat Less But I Continue To Get Fat Solition
I get weight, I eat less, but I keep getting weight. I think it's a nightmare for every lady who cares about the outward appearance of setting up these cues. If you say you are underweight when you ate less, reading this article can help you to understand where the problem is.
Most overweight people consume a small amount of food, and weight problems continue to occur, especially at mealtimes, although they normally take less food. These 'bad eaters' and generally 'hungry' people feel guilty and incompetent because of their weight problems they can not solve. They feel sorry that you think of the social environment as weak characters, careless, sloppy, obsessed, lacking the ability to control their weight. They are depressed because they think they are blamed for their indifference to the weight problem or their inability to solve the problem ...
In reality, the opposite is the case. Overweight or obese people have 'body chemistries that fit into low calorie intake'. Hormonal and metabolic processes do not use calories as much as they are. A reduced metabolic rate first manifests itself with a less diligent, lazy body in burning calories. Metabolic speeds are already low, their ability to burn calories is already limited, and these unlucky people sometimes make small getaways, sometimes they can escape over food. But as older friends of the same getaways, more frequent repetitions continue to weaken, they leave their heroin fat deposits on their hips to their hips.

Shock diets
We also have impressive and sad observations in this direction. Diets in some patients, unfortunately, do not work at all. There are so many people who limit themselves to eating and give a few hundred grams of festivals, and at the slightest escape they take a few pounds and go into depression. In short, diets alone do not work often, are not effective and sufficient. Especially charred shock diets can even be dangerous.
The greatest proof of this is that almost every day a new diet program is being published, with hundreds of thousands of increases in overweight or obese. The excess weight and obesity epidemic can not be taken for granted. The problem is not an epidemic, a 'crazy health problem' is spreading rapidly and inevitably, our world is becoming heavier every day.
It's easier to get
Diets are no doubt helpful in losing weight, but they are not always and unconditional solutions. On the other hand, it is now better understood that in overweight people, the problem is often 'weight gain' rather than 'weight loss'. These people are difficult, hard to lose weight, but after a short time they lose much more of what they lost in a shorter time.
The problem is that the treatment is incomplete and ineffective. With this known example, Not solving the weight problem solely on the diet is not much different from giving a broken patient a painkiller and sending it home. The effect of the painkiller will pass after a short time, and you will be in trouble again. The solution to the problem is that your broken foot is removed or repaired surgically. Finding workarounds does not work.
How to solve the problem?
It is similar to trying to lose weight only if you are overweight or obese. If you implement the diet program completely, perhaps you can lose some weight. Your metabolic problems that cause you to lose weight or your hormonal-genetic predisposition to gain weight have not been solved yet. It has a behavioral, metabolic or hormonal problem that causes you to gain weight more easily and faster than others.
The medical solution of the problem is that the second and third degree treatment elements are put into the same position in the circuit. Unless the "disorder of eating behavior" is solved, it is inevitable that you will be able to recover the pills given at the same rate and with the same diet only if the underlying hormonal or metabolic problem is not treated.
Stay away from popular diets and do not forget these 3 rules
Without changing your eating habits, wrong eating, unconscious eating, uninformed food consumption habits;
Increase your physical activity as much as you need and do not make exercise (walking, cycling, loving stairs, swimming) a lifestyle or body habit;
If you try to get rid of your excess pounds without treating us to be overweight, hormonal, metabolic or psychological problems that lead to easy weight gain and difficult weight loss, unfortunately you will see once again that your diets do not work so much this year.
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