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EAT, Healthy Life, Nutrients,

Diabetes and Breakout Meals

The most important factor in diabetic nutrition is to keep blood sugar in balance. Intermediate meals must be indispensable to achieve this balance. Because the meals will prevent the person from falling fast by keeping the person from starving for a long time and at the main meals they will prevent excessive intake of nutrients and prevent the blood sugar from rising too much.

  • Fruit, yogurt, walnut / almond / hazelnut may be preferred as snack alternatives.

Place of Carbohydrates in Diabetic Nutrition

Carbohydrates are important nutrients when we are fed. Bread, rice, pasta, courgettes, fruit, vegetables, dairy products are sources of carbohydrates. The important thing here is to make healthy carbohydrate selection.
  • Everything about sugar  (sweet, refreshments, junk food), white bread, and white unders should not be in the diet of diabetics because they are rapidly raising blood sugar.
  • Meeting the body's need for carbohydrates from whole grains will increase both fiber intake and keep blood sugar in balance. Suggested foods; Whole wheat or rye bread, bulgur, oats, dry beans.
  • Milk and dairy products, meat / poultry / fish, walnut / raw nuts / raw almonds and vegetables (except potatoes) are food groups that can be consumed more easily by diabetics.
Points to be Considered in Fruit Consumption

Fruits are indispensable for our diets in terms of diverting our various vitamins and minerals needs. However, in terms of fruit consumption, diabetics should pay attention to:
  • Do not consume too much fruit (you can distribute it for snacks) at a time, and do not prefer mulberry, palm, banana, melon and fig, which increase your blood sugar very quickly.
  • To consume the shells with their shells.

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