Accurate Breathing Techniques
Accurate Breathing Technique 1:
The most important rule is always to take as deep breaths as possible, to avoid breathing short short and intermittent.
Proper Breathing Technique 2: Breathing Right to Sporde Learn Almay
* Learning step: to make conscious by examining breathing.
* Learning step: to concentrate on my breathing rhythm and to consciously try to extend the breathing part a little, the breathing part comes out in this case spontaneously.
* Learning step: to breathe into certain body parts and to increase the depth of breath in this vocabulary.
Accurate Breathing Technique 3: Diaphragm Breathing
Most of the muscle work during breathing is diaphragm. A curtain separating the diaphragm chest from the abdominal cavity. While this thick membrane remains upright in normal condition, when we breathe, it is pressed down, resulting in a vacuum filling the lungs.
A technique used by musicians playing breathable instruments as well as diaphragm breathing athletes. By consciously pushing the diaphragm down while breathing, it is possible to use the lungs with their full efficiency to draw to the breathing lower parts.
Accurate Breathing Technique 4: Full Breathing
Deeply breathing is a method that affects the whole body in three dimensions. The front of the body, the thorax, and the widening of the abdomen, the shoulders open sideways, while the shoulders open backwards on our backs.
Correct Breathing Technique 5: Fear Breathing
Exaggerated breathing is a situation that must be avoided. Breathing continuously in a short, short, rapid manner is the worst possible person to get to a carbon dioxide poisoning.

Correct Breathing Technique 6: Get in the right place and give in the right place
One of the most important elements is to make the movements made as they come in hand. That is to say, when power is exerted, for example, to breathe while lifting a halter, to breathe in the phase of ejaculation, that is, halitosis.
Close fighters, weightlifters, discs, balls, javelins, hammer throwers, all breathe through shouting, lifting, throwing action, all of which force their breathing into a cry. The air should never be held and should not be suppressed.
This mistake, especially made much, prevents the return of the heart to the heart, causing dizziness and high blood pressure.
Accurate Breathing Technique 7: Contraceptive Behavior
Of course, stretching, sneezing, sighing, or crying, which is a breathing reflex, should definitely not be suppressed. Because during these movements we do not want to breathe deeply.
Accurate Breathing Technique 7: Nonsense conditioning yourself
One of the most important points is definitely not to change the way we breathe when we are doing sports. This makes sporting difficult. For example, there is absolutely no need to breathe and give it by mouth.
Breathing on the surface supports the healthier diaphragm technique and the air is heated in the nose, humidified and dusted. Even if purified, it seems impossible to manage without breathing in the mouth during sporting work.
It is also necessary to forcefully change the breathing rhythm. A regular breathing rhythm is the most correct method, as it does not force the body to take one step in three steps and one step in five steps.
Accurate Breath Technique 8: Breath Alright
One of the most general rules; For example, when running, you need to run in breathing comfortably enough to speak. Talking and not talking while running can be controlled more comfortably by an edge, indeed when doing sports, the intensity is over the breath and over the pulse.
Situations such as breathlessness and breathing are always a sign that the body is more difficult than necessary. Likewise, dangerous heart irregularities and heart soreness can be understood when the heart rate is difficult to breathe without giving any danger. I have lived on this subject especially myself.
My pulse can be considered dangerous for my body. It's a very clear indication of the body's self-preservation ability to start breathing in the 170-180s before going out in the 190s.
If we need to gather the right breathing techniques, how should the correct breath be briefly? The right breath must be deep, long and quiet. Breathing in this way can be seen clearly in babies and animals: breathing, long breathing, short interval and then breathing again ...
Your wife gets up and down smoothly and gently. When babies make effort, they consciously deepen their breath, even when they are simply changing.
If you are going to do weight exercises, be sure to breathe correctly, breathe while lifting the load, take it down.
There is no reason for asthma patients to give up spore. Mark Spitz was asthmatic, winning seven gold medals at the Olympics. Accurate Breathing Techniques can also be applied to asthmatic patients, but first consulting their physician will be more accurate.
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