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7 Bench Press Mistakes

7 Bench Press Mistakes

Bench press failure is a process that usually results in a lack of good breasts and a lack of resistance to the difficult chest work you spend in sports halls.

"Benchte how many are you printing?" Is one of the most frequently asked questions in sports halls. With this question you are judged whether you are a "man" or "little man". Who does not want to print 185 kilograms on the bench? Personally, I would. The question is how people are going to increase it. Many people talked about this on the internet. Some have good ideas, but some do not.

Some of you are guilty of one or more of these seven lines. I will explain everything to you one by one.

Bench Press Mistake 1: Wrong Warming

This sin even works our best. For example, there are those who over-regenerate overweight with a light weight to warm up and fall early and can not reveal their full potential. This causes some sort of hindrance and corrupts the body's morale. This is another reason to lose weight on the bench.

Bench Press Mistake 2: Continuous Chest Work (Two or More Times a Week)

Studying chest three times a week does not make you any better. You can not do this work and rest. You should also work well with other muscles that work when you are doing the bench. Otherwise, this will cause a weight drop on the bench.

Bench Press Mistake 3: Working with Maximum Weight Every Week or Two Weeks

Most people think that working too much (maximum) will increase weight on the bench ... WRONG! This will only damage the muscles and on the contrary you will have to reduce the weight. In fact, some of them are injured because they work too hard. It's something you should not be. Only do maximum work once. If you do more, you can not increase weight.

Bench Press Mistake 4: Direct Chest Right Bench Making

The next sin causes the rotator cuff to be injured (on a straight bench). When you press the upper chest bench press directly on the shoulder and rotator cuff. As you increase your weight, you increase your risk of injury. You need to bench on the lower chest (towards the lower chest on the flat bench). This way you will be training harder.

Benchde is another sin that is constantly moving. It can lead to injury. In addition it causes you to make "snake" movements. This is another mistake.

Bench Press Mistake 5: Entering Bench Race With Friends

It is common in sports halls. One says he's out more than the others and the race starts. This is something that should not be any different. You do not have to do this and harm your ego. If you're going to compete with someone, it's a bench. This provides a perfect motivation. Do not try to prove anything to your friends, if you show them you can not reach 18 at the age of 18, nothing will happen to your hand. Show them when you start pumping 185 pounds!

Bench Press Mistake 6: Keeping the Bar Close to the Grip Position

This sin is quite new to me. Most people show it to newbies. This work may be a good triceps work, but not a good bench press work.

Bench Press Mistake 7: Benchde "Like a Snake" Curling

This is the last day I say "snaking." This is due to the need to use more weight and to have more ego than it should be. "Curling" makes it difficult to move and it can also cause injury. You do not want that. Leave an extra weight and an egyou edge and go back to reach the perfect form.

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