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What is The Bench Press

What is The Bench Press

The Bench Press movement is one of the basic chest exercises, which are among the movements for those who do weight exercises and those who do. Bench press movements strengthen the muscles of the back muscles, especially with the chest muscles.

Press: Compression is the job of pushing the haltery while doing this movement which is meant to be explained by the press word that comes to the meaning of compression. Almost all of the push movements are met by the press in the English.

Influenza: Gripping (You should know the meaning of this sheep to understand the variations of this movement, which vary according to the gripping patterns.)

The movement can be done with weightlifting or using two dumbbells. In this case the movement is also known as Dumbbell Bench Press, dumbbell press.

At the same time it is a movement that can also be done on special machines made for beginners and hardcore. These machines are referred to as Bench Press Machines and are very safe when moving, as they are safe for those who can not relax freely.

Main muscles working on Bench press: Pectoralis Major, Pectoralis Minor, Anterior Deltoid, Triceps. Besides these, many small muscle groups also work.

Your muscles to be strengthened with a bench press make all your pushing and power activities easier, protect your chest and internal organs.
Chest muscles play an important role in all fighting and gentle sports branches. It is possible to increase your success in these sports by running a bench press.

Bench Press:

The legs are placed on the side of the row that is made to fit the exhaust. The bar with the weight attached, ie the barbell, is on the hangers on both sides of the Row (Bench).

The weightlifter is gripped tightly and firmly with both hands, not excessively tight, with a slightly wider grip than the shoulder width. It is lowered by breathing, about 3 to 4 inches below the collarbone.

Again, slowly and slowly, until the arms are fully straightened, feeling full tension in the chest muscles (focusing on the chest muscles will work better).

If the grip of the hands is narrower than the shoulder width, the inner parts of the chest muscles, if wider, the outer and side parts work more effectively. Bench press is among the most useful basic movements that affect the whole body's strength and appearance in a very positive way.

Bench Press should have your triceps muscles in development to take up the weight you are trying to make. Movement with undeveloped triceps muscles can be cut at the hem due to fatigue of the posterior arm muscles without the desired severity. A lot of people can not work the chest good enough because of weak back muscles.

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