Close Grip Bench Press
Close Grip Bench Press
The close grip bench press is done by holding the barbell in a way that is narrower than your shoulder width. For this reason, this movement affects the part between the two chests, the inner chest muscles, and is especially used to improve the place. The correct grip bench press action will make you feel better between your two breasts.
Close grip muscles running during bench press: Pectoralis Major, Pectoralis Minor, Anterior Deltoid, Triceps and some small muscles.
Close Grip Bench Press:
It is like a normal bench press action, but with a barbell bar, 30-35 cm. With a grip clearance between both hands is gripped above. Breathing is reduced to 5 cm below the collar bone. Again, slowly and gently, until the arms are fully straightened, the chest muscles feel full tension and are lifted up. With this application, the inner parts of the thoracic muscles and the triceps muscles are affected.
Close Grip Bench Press movement can also be done using dumbbells. When doing dumbbells; Care should be taken to keep the dumbbells close to each other when lifting up and not to open this reducing distance too much (exceeding the shoulder width).
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