Drink Water for Being Healthy!

The water is great in our lives, is not it?
Absolutely. Water comes at the forefront of compulsory food for healthy living. We can live for weeks without eating, but it is not possible to live a few days without drinking water! An adult man's body weight is 60% water. Yes, it is not believable, but they seem solid, but more water than half of the people. Children are more juicy; 65-80 percent of their bodies are water; The smaller the age, the higher the water rate. When people lose 10% of body water, their lives are in danger, and if they lose 20%, death is inevitable.
There are a number of tasks in the body's water: the formation of energy, the synthesis of protein for growth and reparation of damaged tissues, the storage of unexplained energy as fat, and the purging of harmful wastes as a result of metabolism.
The idea that a person can "adjust his water need with a feeling of thirst" is true for childhood, but not for other ages. Thirsty feelings are severely cursed, so the danger of dehydration is great without the elderly being aware of it. Many older people, the higher the blood pressure falls after drinking enough water.
But it's obvious that a few of you do not drink enough water. For this reason, our body does not fulfill its functions literally and various chronic diseases arise. Iranian resident living in USA Fereydoon Batmanghelidj (Feridun Batmangelic) says that the main reason for most illnesses is "the body is not dehydrated" in the book "Not a Patient, Thirsty". According to this scientist, it is possible to protect against all illnesses almost with the right water consumption. Unfortunately, very few of the physicians are related to the chronic diseases and the low amount of fluid consumed.
Dr. The story of Fereydoon Batmanghelidj is very interesting. Batmanghelidj was imprisoned for 2 years and 7 months in 1979 during the Islamic Revolution in Iran. In the early days of prison, a patient with severe and twisted ulcer pain gives two glasses of water because he has no medication. The pain is in 8 minutes. The patient then continues to drink 500 ml (1 small pet bottle or 2 large glass of water) water every 3 hours. After the acute phase, 250 cc of food from the patient half an hour before eating and 250 cc after 2.5 hours of drinking, and drinking water as much as he wants. The patient has not had stomach aches for years.
Batmanghelidj was jailed after his first patient. By 1982, more than 3,000 peptic ulcer convictions were treated with water only. They do not even accept early eviction offerings to complete their investigations, completing their work in prison for an extra few months (1).
Sometimes the news reports 'for at least two liters of water a day', sometimes 'too much water to drink is harmful, how much you are thirsty' he said. We were surprised to believe
At the first glance, it makes sense to propose that people should drink so much water. But it's not what it looks like. Just drinking enough water to survive is not enough for a healthy life. Many people think they are getting enough fluid, but this is not true, because even if drinks are taken with beverages such as alcohol, soda, cola, sugary fruit juices, they cause fluid loss.
If you do not drink as much water as you drink, or if you drink osmotic loads of excess liquids that lose water, such as sugary hot drinks (coffee, tea), soda, cola, fruit juices, energy drinks and beer instead of water, you are exposed to chronic thirst. You can not feel thirst because these types of beverages spend your lip. Even during over-occupation, people can forget their thirst.
Age is also very important, as people get older, the thirst centers lose their sensitivity and do not feel thirsty, even though they have lost too much water, for example, many older serums.
When our body is dehydrated, we apply all kinds of measures to keep the brain cells from thirsty. The goal is to send enough blood to the brain. The brain makes up about 5% of our body, but the blood it receives is four times that (20%). The brain is the organ that needs the highest energy. He does not just take brain energy out of glucose. Hydroelectric energy generated by brain cells is also an important source. Decreased water consumption also reduces brain energy. The brain is shrinking the veins, kidney veins and lung veins of our limbs (arms, legs) away from the center of our body to prevent blood from going. When the water needs of the brain are met, less water (blood) goes to these areas.
In this case, if you do not take enough fluid, your body increases the "histamine" secretion. Histamine shrinks the blood vessels in our lungs and limbs and prevents fluid loss, thus allowing the brain to have more blood. But in contrast to this, histamine increases stomach acid secretion, makes you breathing, increases your blood pressure. If antihistaminic medications are used, breathlessness decreases, stomach acid decreases, blood pressure decreases, but in this case the brain has less blood (2).
Histamine and other chemical substances that increase during dehydration cause "pain". These aches can be confronted in rubella, migraine, stomach ache, heart ache, fibromyalgia and back pain. You can get rid of these aches by drinking water. Painkillers do not benefit much from this pain, and they can also be harmful. The thing you're going to do is to get rid of the lump, that is, to get rid of thirst by drinking water. People should not forget that pain is the mechanism by which the body of the pain itself protects itself.
Dehydration (drowsiness) causes drowsiness, depression, anger, restlessness, fibromyalgia and fatigue. Even if body water drops by 2%, short-term memory is disrupted.
Chronicly, 75% of Americans are dehydrated, and 37% of heels are so mild that it is confused with hunger. These people are weak if they drink water as much as they can. Even the slightest dehydration slows down the metabolism of the person by 3-5%. A glass of water reduces the hunger at night by 100%.
When you are exposed to a body-dehydrating stress, strong hormones such as adrenaline, endorphins, cortisone, prolactin, vasopressin and Renin-Angiotensin (RA) are secreted. For example, endorphins (internal morphines) increase pain tolerance. Cortisone releases your energy stores, raising blood sugar. Thus, you are susceptible to diabetes.
As the amount of water in the brain decreases, the vasopressin vessels secreted by the hypophysis contract. Thus, more water enters the dehydrated cells. Meanwhile, the blood pressure rises. For this reason, hypertension is common in people who dehydrate. "Bile stone formation" is also largely due to dehydration.
Alcoholic beverages cause cellular dehydration by decreasing the secretion of the ADH hormone. Excessive drinking can lead to severe cellular dehydration. In chronic alcoholism, constantly increasing endorphins become addicted.
When dehydrated, the active renin-angiotensin system works to protect the body's reduced water. Kidney vessels shrink to hold water; Your work is reduced. The renin-angiotensin system also holds sodium at the same time, which helps to retain water. As long as the water is not consumed, the blood pressure remains high and damages the vessel. The patient's blood pressure increases, breathing increases. These people have high tensions in their water.
Hypertension and urinary retention in the kidneys can cause kidney damage and failure. Diuretics given in classical therapy and salt restriction have serious implications when considering this mechanism.
What is the limit to drinking water?
Up to 2 to 2.5 liters per day for an adult person. But fruit juices, gaseous beverages, tea, such as liquid water should not be considered. Because they have more or less diuretic effects. People do not calculate the water they drink every day. We do not have the best boundary urine darkness, it consumes enough water to be in light color.
Of course, those who have to stay in the field for long hours in hot weather or have to walk can drink quantities of 4-5 liters. But these people must consume salty foods (like salted ayran) in order to meet the loss of salt.
Of course, you should also be careful when trying to lower your blood pressure and give a salt-free diet to older people. High blood pressure will decrease, and vice versa. Perhaps it is best to check the level of salt (sodium) in such cases.
The Chinese believe that after the age of 40, water that is cooler than room temperature or something else should not be taken to the body. When the Chinese drink cold drinks or eat cold food, our internal organs contract more and more. It causes decrease in blood circulation, stomach, head and joint aches, breathing is narrowing, sputum is putting on.
A standing person passes directly into the duodenum if it contains liquid food. If human liquid food is sitting, these are first accumulated in the midge, mixed with acid to kill the micros, and then 12 fingers pass into the gut. In this case, it will be protected from many infectious diseases, including human cholera, by sitting down and drinking water.
What are the dangers of these damacans and pet bottles?
In the raw materials of bottles and pet bottles, there is a chemical toxic gas commonly used in wars called "phosgene". When you wear and wait for a long time in the water, many dangerous chemicals in the plastic that make up the damacan can mix with water. These chemicals cause destruction in the stomach, liver, nervous system and lungs, causing cancer. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the damacan who came to your house is not worn out. Of course the best way is to go back to the past and drink water from the glass bottles. It is even better to rest this water in the cube in the houses. Or empty the plastic damacan water right here and hide it there. It sounds like a dream, but why is it possible with a little diligence?
How should the water properties be in order for the body to get the water it needs?
Drinking water should be colorless, clear, delicious. Sudden turbidity may be due to microbial contamination or the presence of inorganic-organic substances. Cholera, salmonella, hepatitis, such as microbes through the water can cause disease.
The amount of chlorine used for water disinfection should be around 1mg / L. This amount is uncomfortable in the water. Nitrogenous substances in the feed (such as nitrite, nitrate) must not exceed the maximum permissible concentration. If you are concerned about the cleaning of drinking water, drinking water is absolutely 3-5 min. Must be used after boiling and heating.
It was determined that the studies done on the most water chlorinated areas showed more cancer. Because trihalomethan (THM) in chlorinated drinking water can lead to bladder cancer. The same way of taking THM through the skin (bathing, entering the pool) or by breathing is also the same.
As you mentioned in our article, we are thinking more about the taste and meaning of the water that we drink from the plastic pet bottles that are produced at great cost today and can be destroyed in the smallest 1000 years, with the taste of the flowing water through the live fountain!
Mineral water useful? Are the mineral water and soda the same thing?
There are many people in the community who think "mineral water and sodan" are the same drink. Whereas mineral water and soda are different drinks. Mineral water, together with all the minerals it contains and carbon dioxide, finds its way through cracks in the ground with the gas, so it is completely natural; These are also called mineral water in European countries.
Soda is a drink that is completely "artificial" obtained by pressing carbon dioxide gas during the production of water and water drinks.
Mineral water is a mineral rich mineral. Compared to normal water, minerals such as calcium and magnesium which are extrinsically useful when we compare them are very useful for health. 2-3 glasses of water every day, even more drinkable. Mineral waters facilitate digestion, but there is no such thing as weakening as you might think. But there is one point to pay attention to. Patients with chronic renal insufficiency should not consume mineral water in excess. Because mineral salts, sometimes contained in mineral water, can damage damaged kidneys.
In the past, mineral waters could not be sold as sweet and fruity (painted!); Because it is forbidden. But unfortunately they also got permission, with the enforced glorious science (!) Of our people. Thus, we cooperated with our natural mineral waters. Leaving the damage of the painted materials to one side, this type of sugary mineral waters cause me to go out more. So when we say let's get rid of thirst, we become more thirsty. And we can not even be aware of it often.
Rich in minerals such as magnesium and calcium in mineral water protects against heart attack and vascular stiffness. These diseases are less common in areas where magnesium-rich wastes are consumed.
Some physicians are not advised to consume mineral water in people with kidney stones. But there is no scientific investigation of increased kidney stones using regular mineral water. On the contrary, there are benefits in the prevention of kidney stones, urinary tract infections.
What do we suggest to our readers for water?
• For at least 8 glasses of water (2000mL) per day. This does not include food and water in public areas. If your urine is dark, you do not drink enough water.
• Fluid-intensive carbohydrate contents such as fruit juice, soft drinks, soda, beer, sugary tea increase the need for water. Fermented beverages such as unsweetened tea and partly buttermilk and kefir do not increase your need for liquid, but also meet your need for fluid.
• The water you drink is extremely cold. It is best to drink water at room temperature.
• For welding water. The processed table waters are not the spring water but the processed well water. Do not drink unless you have to. Real source water can be understood from the beauty of my drink.
• Do not drink mains water if possible (chlorinated!). Chlorine is put into the water to kill the micros. But it can also make cancer and disrupt the taste of the water.
• Filtered mains water can be used even if natural spring water is not used.
• If the mains water is rested for at least one hour after you have bought it from the tap, the chlorine can fly and drink.
• If you have digestive problems, do not drink water with food, because it reduces the effects of water diluting the digestive fluids. You can drink water half an hour before or after 1 hour from the meal.
• Drink one or two glasses of water before sleeping.
• Unfortunately, there is no heavy metal or other chemical toxin screening systematically in any water.
People with neuropsychiatric disorders such as Alzheimer's, depression, autism, hyperactivity drink filtered water until they are sure of the toxic substances in the water.
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