Strength with Body Weight

Strength with Body Weight
In this article, I will only inform you about some basic movements that can be done using body weight. First of all, I would like to state why you need to address such a topic.
There are several reasons for doing strength work using body weight. If we were to sort out the main ones:
1. No carts (dumbbells, weightlifting, bow, elastic rope, etc.) are needed. Your body is always suitable to be used on your side and as a weight.
2. There is no need to go to a sports center, the weight room ... You can do body weight movements everywhere everywhere. Those who can not go to the gym because they can not have a gym membership, are on holiday or out of the city, and those who can not go to saloon because they can not afford it can be the only solution to work out with body weight.
3. The likelihood of injury is much lower compared to work done with dumbbells, dumbbells or weight machines.
4. Working with other sports may be a good option to work with body weight for athletes who perform weight training in order to strengthen muscles and joints and not injure. With some movements that can be done with body weight, it can be made more comfortable to work on a specific force by making movements similar to the movements of the spirals that they are mainly interested in.
5. For those who want to increase their strength but not increase muscle mass too much, work done with body weight creates a solution.
6. Since movements made with body weight are usually more complicated than weight movements, more joints and muscle groups are used. This allows the movement of the various branches of the sport to be similar, as well as allowing the whole body to run with less movement.

After you read all these reasons, did you decide to stay away from the weight halls and weight equipment? Or do you think "why are there so many people, why does not everyone work with body weight?" Of course, there are logical reasons for this, here are a few:
1. With body weight work, most of the muscles in the body can be operated at the same time. Certain muscles and joints are the only solution for those who want to operate, especially for those who want to work.
2. The type of movement and the number of exercises performed with body weight are less than those that can be done with weight. By increasing diversity during training, training can be made more enjoyable.
3. When working with body weight, it is not as comfortable and measurable as possible to adjust the weight according to the power of the person, but by making changes in the movements, as much as possible.
4. It is imperative for those who want to increase muscle mass and for those who find their body weight insufficient.
Basic Movements Made by Body Weight
After considering the disadvantages and advantages, let's examine the basic movements that can be done with body weight:
Basic Movement with Body Weight 1: Pull up
Bariffs are a movement that varies according to the holding width of the hands and the side of the hands. It is called a barfic, where a person is holding a jaw / barrel with two or one hand (yes, there is a hand with a hand) and pulling its jaw on top of it. You can do this by taking a bar stick to the bar-cix house or by any iron in the children's park. If I say no bargains, keep patience and keep trying. You'll see what you can do with time.
Pull up, biceps and back muscles.
Basic Movement with Body Weight 2: Push-up
Push-up: By making the body parallel to the sides, the two hands are slightly more open than the width of the shoulder, bringing the fingertips closer to the sides of the body on both hands, looking at the same angle with the axis of the body, and then pushing up the body. Push-ups have many variations, such as bars.
Stronger people can adapt the push-ups by keeping their feet above the level of difficulty they desire to increase the difficulty of push-ups. Putting the feet on the pillow, on the seat, choosing the seat higher is always a method that can be used to make push-up difficult. It is also possible to simplify the normal state of the push-up for those difficulties. This time it is possible to put the wall and stand on it if it is desired to do the opposite and raise the hands to raise the two seats, put it on the chair, or make it even simpler. As the strength of the quiche increases, it can make the push-up more difficult. It is also possible to take one-handed push-ups at a later stage.
Push-up is a movement that drives the chest and triceps muscles.
Basic Movement with Body Weight 3: Squat
Squat: The upper body is held vertically and the vet is crouched and then the upper body is held upright and the leg is strengthened. You can take any weight on your back (at home) to make this movement that makes all of your leg muscles harder, but it should not disturb your weight position. If you want to make it easier, you can sit in a stool or chair without having to crouch until you are half-squat (half squat).
Body Movement Basic Movement 4: Lunge
Lunge: Another move to run the legs is lunge, which makes legs more difficult, but it is more time consuming than squats because you run a knee every time. Lunge is basically holding the upper part of the body flat, stretching a knee forward, and then pulling it back. The angle of the knee to the front should be at least 90 degrees. If you extend it further, you will have forced your knee a little more - perhaps unnecessarily - to your liking. To make it easier to stretch your head, you can stretch your head a little longer, to make it harder to stretch your body forward, or you can use the solution to hold the arms up by tucking them behind the head. How close you are to your back will affect the degree of difficulty of movement. Since you are working with squat or lunge similar muscles, you can use it alternately or you can choose one you like.
Basic Movement with Body Weight 5: Dips
Dips: The two hands are put on two chairs or a similar object, and the body is then pushed down and then pushed up. Triceps starts the shoulder and chest muscles. It may be preferable not to leave the body to the bottom to make it easier. It may not be used because it works with similar large muscles with push-ups, but it exercises lower chest muscles more than push-back.
Basic Movement with Body Weight 6: Calf Lifting
Calf-lift: Place two objects in a high position on two legs. Foot heels should be on the ground. Then push your body upward and stop for a while at your fingertips and go down again. Since the squat or lunge movements also activate the calf muscles, this action may not be preferred as it only works with calf.
Basic Movement with Body Weight 7: Crunches
Crunches: The crunche is the most well-known and most popular type of movement. Among these varieties is my suggestion to use the form of lying down and lifting the upper body as well as pulling the legs from the knees at the same time. In this way both upper and lower abdominal muscles will be used. During this movement, the arms can straddle in two directions and parallel to each other, the abdominal muscles can be supported by swaying from the back to facilitate movement. In order to operate the oblique muscles, all abdominal muscles will be working if the upper body is held in the air with the left leg in the air and the right lower leg is touched with the right lower leg by holding the legs in a broken position while keeping the legs broken.
Basic Movement Made with Body Weight 8: Superman
Superman: In this movement used to operate the muscles of the waist, the supernumerary is added, the handler is extended forward. Then an arm (like Superman is flying) and a leg that is left across the arm are removed from the floor. If the muscles of the waist are not yet strong enough, only the left arm, the right leg or the opposite combination can lift the arms-legs, or if the muscles of the waist are stronger, both arms and both legs and head are lifted and held for a while (3-10 seconds) at that position. It is released later on.
If you are asking how often and how often a program can be applied, the answer will vary depending on the person and purpose of course, but there are some points to note when creating a program I intend to write a post containing the next time.
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