Circuit Training

Circuit Training
In this article, I will try to deal with circular training. Circular training techniques were first developed by two researchers at Leeds University in England in 1953.
Aerobic is a training technique where capacity and weight work are done together. In principle, a certain number of weight sets and / or other sports are made in succession with little or no breaks, and after a round with a set / rev from each move is completed, the turn is turned to the desired number of turns if more turns are needed compared to the program.
In this training technique, the pulse will never be too low, as the person exercising the program never interrupts the motion or pauses very little. In this case the aerobic system will be used throughout the training. At the same time, weight training will be done to strengthen the muscles. The number of repeats used in each set during circular training is generally higher. It is intended to increase the strength of the person in this group with the strength in that group of muscles. Movements made with body weight are often used in circular training because the number of repetitions is high. Set, repeat, lap numbers should be adjusted according to the experience of the people who will run the program and the form situation.
For many athletes dealing with strength or skill-based sports, circular training techniques are the most appropriate way to do weight work. This technique, which athletes who are interested in a wide variety of sports such as rowing, basketball, football, swimming, cycling, can use to support their skills in main sports, will enable the athletes to work both their aerobic power generation systems that they have to use in their main sports and the muscles they use in their main sports are stronger and more durable .
Circular training is not just for athletes, it is also an ideal training technique for those who want to become more fit, lose weight and organize their muscles. As you can read from many sources, doctors recommend exercising aerobics for the cardiovascular system (for running, cycling, swimming, elliptical bicycle, ladder, etc.), skeleton and muscles. Here, with circular training, it is possible to have the possibility of combining these two different types of treads.
Circular training is not a suitable training for those who want to increase muscle mass, only those who focus on bodybuilding. In these exercises, the muscles will not be as difficult to operate as they are in the pure weight exercise, as the sets are moved to the other action with little or no break between them, so hypertrophy will not be easy to achieve. For this reason, it is not the right training technique for those who want to increase muscle mass or strengthen certain muscles in particular. It would be appropriate for people with these goals to choose the more conventional weighting programs, where the movements are based on a set / repeat basis, given a break between 1 and 3 minutes between set and motion.
Circular training may involve a wide variety of movements depending on the needs of the trainee. If the program is being prepared for an athlete, some of the athletes who will use the athlete's main sport must be included in the program. In addition to this, weight movements similar to the movements that will be used in the main sport of the athlete, and weight exercises for muscle groups of special importance for the athlete are also intended to be included in the program. For example, for a runner short movements should be placed between certain movements, emphasis should be placed on the operation of the calf, quadriceps, hamstring, abdomen and back muscles. For a basketball player, jumping may be appropriate where it is between weights, or paddling for a short time with an ergometer for a rower.
If the person performing the circular training is doing this for fitness, it will be appropriate to use a program that includes all body muscles. At the beginning of each turn, an aerobic sport such as jogging, fixed bike, etc. can be put into practice.
It will be difficult to make a list of aerobic activities used in circular training because it will be about the sport in which the person is aiming to be better. Nonetheless, the aerobic activities that may be used for those who prefer circular training for fitness purposes include:

1. Running
2. Bicycle
3. Swimming
4. Rowing
5. Elliptical bicycle
6. Climb the stairs
7. Jump the rope
If we were to list some major movements for weight:
2. Shuttle
3. Reverse crunche
4. Pull up
5. Jumping wherever you are
6. Lunge
7. All other instrument weight movements
When designing a circular training program, you are not limited to these movements, but rather by your imagination, and if you are preparing a special program for a spore you are limited to the requirements of that sport. It is possible to include many actions that you have in mind.
Although circular training can take a wide variety of forms, some points need to be noted:
1. Health condition must be appropriate by doctor's decision.
2. A tour lasts no more than 20 minutes.
3. There must be a maximum of 10-12 moves per turn.
4. During training, if you need to do weight work while remaining breathless, you need to stretch it a bit. Yes, it may be difficult to breathe, but if you have a hard time keeping the weight from running, either it sounds short or you need to lighten the program a bit.
5. If you are not trained, start with lighter weights and make aerobic sports slower. As you get accustomed to the training system, your strength and strength will increase. Over time you can increase your weight and speed.
6. If you are not trained again, keep the number of tours at 1 or maybe 2. You can increase the number of laps over time.
7. If you are running a part of it, do not forget to run the supporting muscles. For example, if your wife is working, be sure to try your waist.
Good sport to you all.
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