Fast-Twitch and Slow-Twitch Muscles

Fast-Twitch and Slow-Twitch Muscles
My esteemed bodybuilder friends, when you enter a saloon, you will see that many people work in different styles. It is a good way of working for you; You have witnessed many times that a good way of working for someone else is not good for you. There are also those who do not know the reason of this situation as you are the ones who know it. In this article, I would like to tell you the most important causes of this situation, the structure of the muscles of your body and how they work.
Our muscles are divided into two groups as Slow Twitch (Type 1) and Fast Twitch (Type 2); The second group, Fast Twitch, also has two main groups: Type 2A and Type 2B.
The distribution of Type 1 and Type 2 muscles in our body differs substantially, albeit with similarities, and this is why we have very different body structures and athletic abilities in each unit. The proportions and adaptation of the number of fast-twitching and slow-twitching muscles in our body can be different from man to man, so the successes we will make are shaped accordingly. We are stronger, we are more agile and faster. In a normal human being, 50% of them are fast twitches, 50% are slow twitch muscle fibers, and the percentage of one of them is up to 80% of successful athletic branches, even intense training, , It is definitely observed that the person is displaced according to the spore he has made and turned into the opposite muscles.
Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers (Type 1) [Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers (Type 1)
Type 1 Muscles: They are red. Growth is difficult, these muscles are more commonly referred to as "strength muscles" or "red muscles". "Endurance", that is, the main muscles used for durability and gives us strength. They have long-term protection properties. The high number of "mitochondria" in their structure makes use of oxygen. They are resistant to fatigue; they are lactic acidic; They take their red color from the iron-bearing proteins inside (the color of the chicken's butt is changed for this reason) and the diameter of the muscle fibers ("fibers") is smaller. Marathon runners, cross-ski racers, bike racers make these sports based on the help of these muscles and the fact that these muscles are almost 80-90% developed.
Type 2A Muscles: They are pink in color, they have very rapid muscle contractions and they do their work with the heavy force they get out of short time. They accumulate it with the energy they get from the glycogen and the enzymes they accumulate. These muscles are both aerobic and anaerobic. They obtain their energy by converting glucose to ATP, but these fibers, which are in the middle of the muscle spectrum, can not reach the maximum capacity as quickly as Type 2B. It is seen that footballers (American football players), hockey players, weightlifters and short distance runners (sprinter) developed at the highest level of these muscles.
Type 2B Muscles: They are white in color, they are all anaerobic in their muscle fibers and they gain energy by converting glucose into ATP, they need to be rested and tired quickly, but they have the highest speed and strength in all types of muscle spinning. When we need to make fast and strong movements, our brain moves these muscles quickly. There are very short-time energies, so they are left at the end so that maximum force is obtained. 100-200m sprinter, powerlifter (strongman), bodybuilder (bodybuilder) use these muscles a lot.
So, in summary: The athletes who use the slowest twitching muscles, the marathon runners who have completed the trains that take about 2.5-3 hours, the sprinters, the weightlifters and the bodices are the ones who use the fast twitching muscles the most. However, compared to other athletes, bodybuilders also have to exercise both types of muscles at the same time.
I thought it would be useful to understand how we split the two groups, even though it looks complicated, but I'm sure you will do your work better once you understand all these fibers. Bodywork does not aim to bring out the skills such as speed, agility, or speed like other sports, so it is useful to understand this to make both groups work at their best.
If you are only doing your movements as low rep or high rep, then you definitely omit the other fiber group. For example, the bodybuilders who repeat only 2-5 say they neglect the slow twitch muscles. Likewise, if you are doing all your movements on the machines or fast, then you are neglecting your fast twitch muscles at this time.

How to Work Muscles?
These muscle groups in our body, both groups in itself, but in some regions of a muscle group more concentrated gathered. Different muscle groups have different muscle fiber type ratios.
Our slow twitch muscles are usually thin and small, they must be run with high repetitions and repetitions at fast-medium speed. Some of the most intense regions of our muscles are calves, biceps, triceps, forearms, abdominal, shoulders. We must operate these muscles in the "concentric phase" at medium and high speeds, 10-15, ie with high repetitions, calf exercises should always be placed in front of every working day which should be included in "priority training" -25 must be operated on condition that it is not less than once.
Our fast twitch muscles are our muscles, which are located more intensely in the neck, legs, back, and chest regions, which are usually large muscles. But I repeat again: these groups, which carry two types of muscle fibers, should start to work as "pyramids" with 15-17 repetitions at slow and moderate speed and with a slight weight, reduce the number of repetitions by 5-6 while increasing weight, While the "eccentric phase", meaning that the muscles that respond better to the negatives and grow are to be operated slowly, stretched and fed. Our muscles in these regions have both disadvantageous and advantageous aspects, gaining a slow but losing weight.
Bodybuilding usually refers to the operation of fast-twitch fibers; You can finish your workouts without asking millions of fibers and ask yourself why you can not improve yourself if you do not determine the exact time between stops in your movements, not correctly determining the stopping time between sets, not choosing the right weight to be removed, For this reason, I suggest you try a working method that will "shock" your muscles occasionally. In this article, you can put this work, which includes only the "chest" region, into circuitry and your work. By applying this balancing work every 4-6 weeks you will have started each fiber in your chest area and you will "shock" them to grow faster, if you like.
Repetitions and Quality
In this second part of my article, I would like to tell you about the quality of work and the different working directions. Heavy sets, light sets in the coming months; You will have high reps, low reps, explosive repetitions, and if you want to become an "advance bodybuilder" you have to occasionally "make changes".
High Reps
The "high repetitions" made and sets, in particular, cause the growth of the "mitochondrial mass". It also causes fast-twitch fibers to appear and the level of "testosterone" to rise.
Slow Reps
Movement; 10 seconds up, 10 seconds down, down for 2 more seconds. Decide which kilogram you will choose in this work that will increase your horrible amount of pressure on your island. This "intensity, intensity" will cause burns in your area and cause GH (growth hormone) to appear.
It is useful to use low repetition work, which is one of the most beautiful forms of movement that you will use to activate your natural body's natural qualities without taking medication from time to time, but if it does not do it, it will immediately bring the fast-twitching aisles together so that they also emerge: "Two birds with one stone. "
Discovery of Quality in Your Daily Work
I anticipate that you will benefit greatly if you follow the recommendations in this section, which aims to upgrade the quality of your work. I have followed them for a very long time without any disruption. I can still get the same or even more of the kilos I lifted at the age of 18-20, so I did not do anything wrong. Here are my general recommendations:
Compression in "Concentric Phase"
• In every concentric muscle group exercise, try to compress your target muscle at the highest level of movement at the top of the movement.
• Do not just think about lifting the weight or thinking about the next iteration or how many more. This leads you to think or set the set you are doing in total as you take it away from the "quality of the repetition".
• Provide micro-trauma, or "microscopic-lesion," at its high level by pushing all blood to the muscle fibers when making the turn.
• This trauma will make your muscles grow incredibly quickly.
• The only way to complete the whole set is to be continuous, ie "consecutive" pressure.
• You can not perform muscle growth if you can not achieve this concentration.
Focus Point in "Negative Phase" Sets
• Negatives are almost as absent in the encyclopedia of any bodybuilder, while it is as important as concentration to be done when attention is taken to reduce a weight. We can make an extra contribution to the growth of the muscles with the emphasis on negative contractions, ie, "negative concentration".
• In the negative of the movements, when we slow down the stretching of the muscles, we react to its natural performance and we slow it down so that we can grow again by creating a strain, a trauma again.
"Micro Trauma" Ie Muscle Development Phase
• The quality of the foods to be taken will depend on the quality of your body, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and micro trauma with the necessary rest, resulting in muscle growth. Of course, before this grows, a strase enters, the stress at the level of this cell becomes stronger and stronger by dividing itself into more fibers to resist the future stresses.
• All that I have told you is good quality, but you should stretch your muscles at the level that will not bring the movement to the level of break-in, and at the end, "peak of movement, peak" level.
• You will see many workers: You can not see any quality when lifting a weight, shouting, and just paying attention to lifting that weight. In the growth of the muscles, the two phases in shaping are also very important, not just one, but hele hele not lifting him to be "lifted" like a weight.
• Muscle building (recuperation) is as important as training. If the training has a 30-40% effect on development, the development phase, ie "recuperation" is around 60-70%. Absolutely; Have a good time, live quality life, never use medication, rest and good nutrition is also a must. Stay away from bad habits like drinks and cigarettes. Excessive stress you put into your muscle, think about how much it needs to grow, and do not add any more negative elements to it at the moment. The better you look at yourself, the sooner you will feel it around you.
Stay strong.
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