Fitness for Old People

Many older people think that as you get older, you do not have much to do with sports. This is a very wrong idea.
As in young people, sports and physical and psychological relaxation, which are constantly and regularly performed in people over 50 years of age, are also provided.
Self-deprived muscles, declining durability and natural aging are not the norm. Body-active people can always be active, active and vigorous even in their oldest years.
If you have been out of activities for a long time, you have been living a still life, you are not late, start again, do something for body building and fitness. You will see everything will be different. We will always have your life and your help for this on our site.
Bodybuilding sports and tooling, toolless fitness and weight exercises made as derivative of these sports are activities that are very popular in the contemporary and popular aspect that can be applied in every age group and affects the health positively.
A great deal of wear of aging to the body affects the muscle and bone tissues that are fundamental to our movement system.
In parallel with these, metabolism slows down, fat tissue increases, circulatory and respiratory system disorders begin. All of these are negative factors that are turning life into happiness and life.
Here people are always healthy, fit and form, they are turning to the spore and making it a way of life in order to make life more beautiful.
People are challenged to aging with this sport they see as a way of life, and every day younger people tend towards body building, fitness and instrumental work for a better body appearance, a healthier life.
In fact, the medical world also includes sporting rehabilitation and physical therapy methods and practices, body building and fitness exercises.
In addition to all these, we can watch sportsmen who are still challenging the summit in the world bodybuilding competitions, 30, 40, 50 or even 60 years old, both in terms of health and form.
Most beginners in bodybuilding, fitness and weight sports, with the advice of specialists, start with the goal of getting rid of and recovering from severe illnesses, heart attacks, postural disturbances, or many physical and mental illnesses.
In fact, whatever the purpose, you can change your whole life, start enjoying body building and fitness right away, reduce your aging process and keep all your body and mental functions at the highest level, and enjoy more happiness and more happiness. We are always with you ...
When you decide to start, you can apply the programs we give you in the exercises section as a fitness program, either as a full bodybuilding program, with very short repetition and short rest periods, keeping set numbers and weight less.
For example, starting from the start program section, you can start with the start-ups and set the numbers to 2 instead of 3, and if necessary, you may lose one movement from each group.
If you want to progress more, it will suffice to apply the set programs in the same order in the same order and to work the sets and repeats exactly as you feel you have increased your power.
But remember, you can improve your work intensity as long as you feel good. For now, two days a week you can work two separate groups and you can win form by accelerating your fat burning and improving your fitness level by regular walking, streching and regular aerobic work besides other days, power movements.

Are people over 50 years old challenged when doing bodybuilding and fitness?
This view is up to a degree. As you get older, the maximal heart rate decreases and the elasticity of the lungs and blood cells decreases. At 30 to 80 years of age, the heart rate at rest is reduced by 20% - 30%.
For example, a person at 80 years of age usually has 40% of the lung capacity of a person aged 30 years. Because the heart and lungs feed the cells with a lot of oxygen, and as the age gets older, the fatigue diminishes and fatigue is accelerated.
How effective is aging on strength and mobility?
Muscle strength is highest in men and women between 20 and 30 years old. Because these periods are the periods when the intensity of the muscles is the greatest.
Muscle cell proliferation starts to decrease from the age of 30 and gradually weakens from the age of 50.
Muscles of old people need glycogen. Carbohydrate accumulation prevents the body's activity. Older people automatically have less muscle strength. Muscle cells contain more fat and collagen, which is a factor that increases the risk of injury to the elderly.
It is the problem of many elderly people to feel stiff in the morning. When the aging process starts, chemical compounds form in muscle cells during sleep or inactivity. These are called "side chains". These make muscle contraction (contraction) difficult.
Even in the bodily active people, the body tastes in the mornings begin from the age of 40. As a consequence of the aging process, less blood is pumped into the muscles of each other and to the bones, and again to the bones of the bones. Ruptures multiply in these regions. In addition, the bones are thinned, the bands harden, and a suitable floor is prepared for tearing.
According to the information given by medical experts, the regions where the elderly people complain most are the joints. According to the research done, 57% of people over 55 years old complain about restricted joint flexibilty.
Muscle and connective tissue complaints were found to be more than bones.
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