How to Gain Muscles?
How to Gain Muscles?
For Muscle Development Step 1:
We have taken the first step with the training program (planned, programmed, regular exercises) based on height, weight, age, gender and the desired target. The muscles are filled with blood pressure in the muscle. This is proportional to the severity of the training. An explosion is an event of extinction that requires repair (intracellular therapy).
According to one logic, training is necessary for the formation of muscle, but it is a tension, a negative one. So in the first step, we look away from the goal due to muscle destruction.
The first step for muscle development is to create a destructive effect, and the second and third steps are a repair, a building step.
For Muscle Development Step 2:
In order to survive damage in the cells we have obtained in the first step, the muscles need a number of biological substances, which is also good news. The necessary repair is provided by proteinaceous foods.
Proteins that divide between herbal and animal sources contain Amino acids which are necessary for repair. Proteins are known to be converted to amino acids after digestion. Amino acids are necessary for the formation and development of cells that are the building blocks of the muscles in our bodies.
The second step is protein intake (aminoacids), which is a positive for muscle growth. So it is a step forward to reach the goal.
For Muscle Development Step 3:
Now let's explain the step of muscle development. Sleep,
Yes, it is the moment when sleep metabolism slows down and hormone levels reach the highest level. This is the moment when the process for repairing the damage we have created in our body begins. With a frenzied study, the muscle cells are repaired together with amino acids, which means that muscle formation is muscle development.
The sleep we have described as the third step (including the sleep at the end of the rest days) is also a positive step to reach the goal. So again means a step forward.
Muscle development is summarized in these three main sections. The first step is training, the second step is nutrition, the third step is resting.
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