Ten Tips For Lose Weight.

Ten Tips For Lose Weight.
It is not the kilo that you think you should give as it is important to start the diet for slimming. Achieving the target is more important. Experts remind people who want to lose weight 10 important rules. If you follow these rules, it will be easier to get rid of your excesses. Here are the 10 rules you need to keep up:
1- Do not have goals that are impossible to lose weight. Do not feel obliged to reach a certain kilogram yourself. Admit that a couple of pounds is not important.
2. Every weak woman is not sexy. Be aware that if your goal of diet is sexy, it is not only linked to weight loss.
3- Do not think that the general shape of your body will change when you diet. When you lose weight your body will only look thinner. Weight loss can diminish your big breasts and hairs to a certain extent, but these regions continue to look big as a structure.
4. Gradually reduce the amount of calories you receive. Take care that your food is low in fat. Do not skimp on vegetables and fruits.

5- Your goal is not to lose too much in a short time. For this reason, if you want to go into summer fine or if you want to look thinner on a special day, you should start months to lose weight. Single food diets harm your will, your nourishment and your body. Feed 1200-1500 calories per day and go on constantly doing sports.
6- Make a habit of eating healthy to avoid taking back the pounds you give during the diet. Reduce sugar, meat, oil and baked goods while increasing portions of vegetables and fruit.
7- Do not blind your calorie calculation. Have a weigh in your kitchen and make a calculation based on the list of calories you will never miss. But do not overdo it when you do it.
8- Do not interrupt your exercises. If your biggest nightmare is exercising and you're bored doing it, do your favorite moves. Three times a week you can dance to your favorite music.
9- Do not make it a habit to weigh every day. You have to weigh one day a week (at the same time of day and with the same clothes).
10- Write down your cats every day. If you are not satisfied with the diet you are practicing, look at your notes and try to figure out where you made the mistake. This information will shed light on your next exercises.
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