How to Burn Calories While Sleeping?

How to Burn Calories While Sleeping?
After a heavy exercise, a condition called oxygen hunger occurs in the body. Then the body, homeostasis (energy balance) will still be able to return energy. This requires more calories to be able to return to a balanced state of the body. This process is called EPOC ("Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption": "Increased Oxygen Consumption After Exercise").
EPOC may occur after both aerobic and anaerobic (non-aerobic) exercises. However, anaerobic studies are more challenging, leading to higher EPOC compared to aerobic work. More recently, some recent research has shown that intense (high intensity) interval training and heavy resistance training are caused by higher EPOC than aerobic training. The highest EPOC is; Were observed after high intensity interval training. The reason may be that this training leads to more damage to the internal balance of the body, which in turn requires more energy and time so that the body can return to a stable state before the training.
By "intense interval and weight lifting exercises" you will "calm down" your body and spend so much calories at the end of your workout. Your body will spend extra calories to be able to return to the old state as you move away from its balance.

Some physiological processes that implement EPOC can be listed as follows
1. Renewal of some energy sources. Includes: - Re-phosphorylation of ATP-CP (the main energy source of the ATP body) - Lactic acid disappearance. After intense work, the lactic acid pyrogen produced is converted into the Krebs cycle, which can be used again for future energy production. - Replenishment of glycogen in the striated muscles.
2. Re-oxygenation and renewal of blood and hormones.
3. Normal flow of oxygen flow and heart rate.
4. Body temperature return to normal.
All these processes require energy, which means more calories burned. Thus, there is a relationship between EPOC and weight loss / weight balancing practices. In some studies, we have been burning calories for 48 hours after intense exercises. Some recent research shows again that there is a direct correlation between the duration of intense exercises and the EPOC. The longer the duration of intense exercises, the greater the impact of EPOC. Of course density is a relative concept, but the more "work" done in a given time, the greater the intensity. Therefore, the training you perform to increase your working capacity will cause a beneficial effect such as EPOC. After a hard workout, you can rest, knowing that your body is still consuming energy.
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