ARNOLD- The Education of a Bodybuilder

Today I am introducing a book by Arnold Schwarzenegger, a former bodybuilding champion, former Governor of California (California, the most populous state in the United States). If you have not already read this book, you can get an idea about the book.
The book is published in the United States in late 1977 and remains in the New York Times Bestseller List for 78 weeks. At that time, Arnold Schwarzenegger was a new starter, star-studded player in the movies. This book made a contribution to both the sale of the brand and the branding of Arnold. This book is on the list of Sports Illustrated, the world's most widespread and highly respected sports magazine, on the "Best 100 Sports Books of All Time" list of 2002.

I'm not one who loves Arnold. Yes, I was very happy to see Conan on television (because of the comic book); Yes, it's nice that Arnold plays in cult films like Terminator; Yes, thanks to him, millions have learned something called "bodybuilding" ... All this is good stuff, but it is not something that I would love to love a human being. I do not feel as close to myself as I respect him. Not exactly Arnold is in my eyes, like Silvio Berlusconi. A successful person but unloved person.
Arnold introduced this sport, yes; But it is not right for him to stand out in bodybuilding techniques. "Arnold introduced this sport," I want to present my point of view to those who want to defend it:
Some of them, especially Weider and his team, decided to expand the supplementary supplementary industry and they had to encourage it to a large population of people that everyone could do. They needed a "face" to realize this plan. It could be anybody, it did not matter to them. There is an ambitious person like Arnold who is already doing this job, and Arnold has done his job well. Today, the annual volume of the supplement sector is 2 billion US dollars (2,000,000,000$). I hope that those who grow Arnold in their eyes can now look at it from a different perspective.

Professional bodybuildersk should read this book. Finding out how the bodybuilder's "living legend" Arnold Schwarzenegger has risen - even if the standards change today - can give you a lot of clues and can guide you to some extent.
The book is made up of two parts. Part One is a total of seven episodes, and Arnold describes the bodybuilding story. Arnold had to lie a little bit, though, because when the book was written steroids were reacting - more than they were today - and Arnold said in his book "did not use steroids". But we know that - as he later admitted, he used steroids before the 20th (16-17). I think his close friend in his youth. Karl Gerstl also has an effect on the use of this steroid.
The second part consists of a total of six sections, including Arnold's exercises and recommendations. Like Arnold, I think that "before going to the gym, it should be prepared with basic exercises for a few months" and "stretching movements are very important". The second part of the book - even if I do not agree with some of the training suggestions - is a good exercise guide and many moves are explained.
There is a total of 191 photos in the book (if I did not get it one by one and I was not mistaken) and almost all the photos have Arnold Schwarzenegger. As a matter of fact, the book can be called a "praise" and "advertising" book in general, but it is an important reminder for bodybuilders and useful information for sports fans.
I would like to present to you a few short passages that I have chosen from the master:
I was working better and harder with someone who brought me to vigor with enthusiasm and enthusiasm and who came to me with enthusiasm. In the first winter, I met my friend Karl Gerstl who helped me in my first program. He knew everything about the body except for his help in translation. (Page 23)
I convinced most of those who could not understand why I did this job. They looked at me like I was a freak. (...) My ability to play against the sport was rejected and everyone claimed to be able to do it. I have not been able to stop me like this. (Page 28)
Thick arm, big chest; Here is the Austrian mentality, which I did not want, either. No one else has given importance to the quality of the body. This provincial mentality hindered me from going so quickly. (Page 39)
It has been a great advantage for me to have studied bodybuilding in basic exercises. I was in front of everyone in terms of physical condition. In addition to this, Mr. Europe Junior has gained a special status in the eyes of officers who have won. (...) I had an order to train from above. This is the nicest I could get. There was a weight hall, and after every afternoon I went there to work. I brought my dumbbells and some of my instruments from the house, as the army had only bars and weights. (Page 43)
I knew that I was a champion and there were great things written in my destiny. You can say it's a bit of a hassle to think of things like that. I give you rights. Humility is not a word for me, it will never be. (Page 73)
Another misconception among the people I compete with was that the day of the competition had to be very related to their own bodies. I think this is a mistake. It is too late if you are fussing for your own body on the day of the competition. You have to fumble for your own body all year round, and on the day of the competition you have to worry about others. (Page 77)
No cell in my body accepted the second place. I continued to go around accepting the celebrations. They were happy to look at me like a giant. "Husht, look," they said, "Here Arnold is like an animal." (Pp. 84)
Every spring, a rock-raising competition is held in Munich. You climbed onto two bench-like benches and you pulled a rock from your metal handles to your legs. The rock was about 508 German pounds (560 British pounds, 252.42 kg). An electric special tool, showing how many centimeters you picked up the stone. You did the cold lift without warming up. That year I went to the race and won the record by breaking the record. Press the "Mr. Universe is Germany's strongest man. " It was a good propaganda for bodybuilding if it were true. At that time, many misunderstandings about this sport, like the taboo, were supposed to be the big, weak, useless isles of the bodybuilders. (Pp. 95-96)
I took daily problems out of my head, concentrating on my work schedule and its results. I knew that if I thought about the bills or the girls, the work I'd done would make up. (Pp. 99)
I always hated being defeated, but I have to admit that Sergio was better. (Page 109)
I started to get ballet lessons from a dance teacher at the University of California. He taught me how to move my instructors, when they should be open and when they should be closed. (...) All of this provided the pose improvement. These little details will have a big impact on the jury. (Pp. 111)
I could not believe it. I was going to compete with the guy I was ideal for. It was a strange feeling. I worked on paintings decorating the wall of my room and thinking about the name. (Page 112)
The reporter came to the microphone with a piece of paper in his hand. The excitement was at its peak. "Third," he said, "Dave Draper." Salonda had a silence of death. "Second ... Sergio Oliva." I was with you and I heard Sergio swearing. Sergio did not like this behavior. I looked at her and said, "I passed by last year, Sergio. Tonight I am you. And I will pass again in two weeks. " (Page 114)
At the same time, I continued to work and develop to protect my title. I wanted everybody in the bar to know my name. I think that the most important thing that body builder gives me is personality, character and self-confidence. If you have a well-developed body and trust yourself, you can see that everyone wants to be with you and that they are trying to do something for you. I remember feeling a sense of worthlessness in my childhood. But as I got stronger, self-confidence came naturally, and it gave me a great sense of safety. (Page 117)
Sports also meant health. When I was young, I became sick all the time, I spent a part of it in bed. I always fired. After I started to develop my body, I remember that I had only a few inconveniences. (Page 118)
I'm pulled out of bodybuilding competitions, but I'm not out of spodan. I can define myself as the pioneer and the ldie of the bodybuilder. (Page 121)
I am the leader of this business, my predecessor, because I have an authoritarian personality. And I am also the most experienced and most successful bodybuilder. I've done hundreds of shows every corner of the world. I've only lost three competitions (second place). (...) Whatever I do, whatever I do, I want to be the preacher of the bodybuilder, the preacher of this sport. (Pp. 122-123)
Here are the memories and recommendations of the most important body building icon ever ... Good reading.
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