Benefits of Drinking Water?

Do you know the benefits of drinking water?
1- Nothing can live without water.
2. Relative water insufficiency suppresses some functions of the body first, then kills it.
3. Water is the main energy source.
4- Water produces electrical and magnetic energy in every cell of the body, giving us life force.
5- It is a glue that binds the substances in the cell structure.
6- Prevents DNA damage and helps repair mechanisms work better, thus reducing the number of abnormal DNA produced.
7- In the bone marrow, which is the center of the immune system, it strengthens this system against various diseases including cancer.
8- It is the main solvent of all foods, vitamins and minerals. It separates nutrients into small pieces in the body, works in digestions and at the last metobolic stages.
9- Energizes foods and breaks down the nutrients during the digestion of this energy is transferred to the body. There is no energy value for the body of anhydrous meal.
10-Water increases the absorption of the necessary food in foods.
11- It helps to move all the animals to the body.
12- Red blood cells that collect oxygen in the lungs increase the working efficiency.
13- The water reaching the cell gives oxygen to the cell and the waste gases are carried to the lungs to be thrown away from the body.
14- Collect poisonous wastes from various parts of the body and carry them through the liver or kidneys for disposal.
15- Essential lubricant in the joint spaces, helps prevent the formation of arthritis and back pain.
16- Convert the discs on the back to "shock absorber pads".
17- It is the lubricant which works the best for the intestines, it prevents the constipation.
18- It is a guard against heart attack and illusion.
19- Prevents clotting in the heart and brain vessels.
20- It is indispensable for the cooling and heating systems of the body.
21- It gives us power and electrical energy for all brain functions, especially in thinking.
22- It is indispensable for the production of serotonin and other neurotransmitters (neurotransmitters).
23- It is necessary for the construction of all the hormones produced in the brain, including melatonin.
24- Solves the problem of attention deficiency in children and adults.
25- Increase work efficiency and increase attention range.
26- Water can be found more easily than any other drink in the world and it has no side effects.
27- Helps relieve stress, tension and depression.
28- Sleep patterns.
29- Helps to eliminate the tiredness and gives us the energy of youth.
30- The skin softens and helps reduce the signs of old age.
31. Observations give vitality and brightness.
32- It helps me to protect from glaucoma.
33- Regulates blood production systems in the bone marrow, helps prevent the formation of leukemia and lymphoma.
34- It is very necessary to strengthen the immune system in areas where infection and cancer cells develop in the body.
35- Dilutes the blood and prevents clotting during circulation.
36- In women, it relieves pre-menstrual pain and fever.
37- With the heartbeat, it dilutes the blood and wraps it, preventing the circulating solid matter from falling to the bottom.
38- There is no water reservoir in the human body that can be used during dehydration. For this reason, we should drink water regularly throughout the day.
39-Dehydration hinders the production of sex hormones, which is one of the main causes of impotence and loss of libido.
40. When you drink water, you can distinguish the feelings of thirst and hunger.
41- The best way to lose weight is to drink water. Decrease regularly for water and without a tight regimen. You must eat overtime when you are hungry, but you should drink your water when you are thirsty.
42- Dehydration leads to the accumulation of tissue cavities, joints, kidneys, liver, brain, and toxic sediments in the deep. The water cleans them.
43- Water reduces morning nausea in pregnancy.
44- Integrates mind and body functions. It increases the ability to make decisions and set goals.
45- Helps prevent memory loss in old age. Reduces the risk of Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's and Lou Gehring's diseases.
46- Caffeine helps alleviate addiction to alcohol and certain medications.

Drinking enough water ...
It can improve your health and wellbeing.
Since water is important for so many body functions, getting enough water to reach optimal health is the key to optimal health.
* Water helps protect the blood volume that protects your energy
Proper hydration improves concentration and response during exercise
* Water increases the amount of calories you burn during regular daily activities
* Water can prevent stomach pain caused by concentrated drugs
* Helps to remove excess sodium from the body causing water to hold liquid
It helps to protect against various diseases.
Surveys have shown that higher water consumption reduces the risk of the following diseases:
* Colds
* Urinary tract infections
* Kidney stones
*Bladder cancer

It can improve your appearance.
Water reaches skin last; If your body does not get enough water, your skin is much affected from other organs. Prevent water from becoming dehydrated, your skin:
* Smoother
* softer
* More flexible
* Makes it wrinkleless
It can help you lose weight.
People usually mix up drowsiness with stomach scrapers, which is why we have a lot of junk food when we just need to drink our bodies. Drinking water helps you feel full, reducing appetite.
Research shows that drinking enough water can provide the following benefits:
* Gives you more energy during exercise
* Increase calories you burn during exercise
* Reduce oil stocks in your body
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