Why Do Sportsmen Drink More Water?

Sports Increase Water Needs
Sport requires you to increase your water intake because water;
It is the source of your life ...
It is 3/4 of the human body ...
It is what is needed even in the tiniest metabolic events ...
So, if you have an intensive training program, the simplest of the things you can do for your body is; Drink more water! ..
Because you do not drink enough water
Drinks such as soda or coffee never hold the water. Because many substances, like caffeine, cause more water to be expelled from the body.
Because water allows toxins to be removed from the body
Water allows toxins and other metabolic wastes to be expelled from your body. If you are taking high amounts of protein, there is a high amount of nitrogen in the body. If you eat far more food to gain weight, you need more water to make your kidneys function.

Because waterburn your fat
If you are not drinking enough water, your kidneys can not function properly. If your kidneys do not function as well as your kidneys, you will have to make some kidneys liver. In this case, your liver can not do well and the liver does less of its own work means less fat. In addition, drinking water can prevent you from feeling too hungry.
Drinking water gives your skin health
Drinking water makes your cells healthier. In other words, it makes your skin softer, smoother and better quality.
Protect your organs
If you are feeding over 4000 calories a day, you need to drink more water to keep your internal organs healthy and organized.
Water makes sodium balances
If you are consuming too much salt this may be a problem for you. High levels of sodium intake can disrupt the body's water balance. Reduce salt intake or for more water.
Water helps your (supplement) foods work better
Additional nutrients (eg creatine) cause water retention in muscle cells. Many supplement foods require plenty of water in order to function. If you have an intensive training program, you need basic vitamins, and many vitamins need water to work in the body.
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