Body Building Prejudices and Facts

Bodybuilding Sports, by another definition; It is a branch of sports that improves the efficiency of metabolism in the rules of motion science (Kinesiology), which is made by a program, with instrumented and toolless exercises, which enables the development of the body, strengthening, increasing the fitness level, aesthetics and flexibility.
For many years, it has been determined that the health authorities of this sport are benefiting from the researches carried out by renowned sports and scientists, and that the bodybuilder is the gold key of health when the scientific rule gore is applied regularly. Of course, we will take into account the warnings of our doctors, but sometimes they do not cough with their big belly and give them full tips with prejudices? So stop there, after all, not every doctor is an exercise specialist.
If you do not have steroid-free doping (do not use additional nutrients but say drugs for additional nutrients), this sport is completely natural and you will benefit from conscious, careful, not harmful ...
False and Facts
FALSE: The application is difficult and troublesome, it can not be done at every age.
TRUE: It can be done at any time, anywhere, anytime, anywhere without any difference.
FALSE: Inflates muscles abnormally, making the body bulky.
TRUE: When it is done with regular and informal rules, it exercises, strengthens, improves muscles, improves flexibility and aesthetics.
FALSE: Not effective in throwing body fat, making people's movements difficult
TRUE: Prevents immobility, light weight and very repetitive movements and short rest periods between exercises, it gives body fat, flexibility when applied.
FALSE: There is no effect in physical therapy and rehabilitation.
TRUE: Bodybuilding machines that have biomechanical properties and provide sports rehabilitation applications are indispensable devices for medical departments such as rehabilitation and physical therapy, and body building systems are the basis of such treatments.
FALSE: The cause of the growth of the heart.
TRUE: Regular and conscious body building exercises strengthen the heart muscles, regulate blood circulation, and enable the heart to function more healthily.
FALSE: It forces the body systems, making it difficult to breathe.
TRUE: Enlarges the thorax to gain better breathing capacity.
FALSE: Causes image disturbances in the body, disrupting hormone activity.
TRUE: An ideal sprout for relieving postural disturbances or rehabilitation after an accident helps to increase the level of important hormones (endorphins, etc.) in the body.
FALSE: It causes low efficiency when applying other sports branches.
TRUE: It constitutes the most important part of fitness activities and it is accepted as the basis of all sports branches.
FALSE: It disrupts the balance of the body and causes concentration difficulty.
TRUE: Body domination increases balance and concentration.
FALSE: It increases the selfishness (narcissism) and selfish feelings of the person making it, and makes it nervous.
TRUE: It protects from bad habits or allows it to be released, increases confidence in oneself, removes nervousness and stress.
FALSE: Prevents height extension during the age of development.
TRUE: Regular exercises help strengthen the muscles, ligaments and bone tissues, helping the neck prolong.
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