Correct Carbohydrates Make You Thin

Carbohydrate diets are diets that require the right carbohydrates to be selected to fat lose.
Correct Carbohydrates make you thin
Make Your Account According to the Oil
Make calorie calculations specifically for oils. Because oils can be stored directly. However, 30 percent of energy is consumed during the storage of oil in carbohydrates. For this reason it is difficult to gain weight with carbohydrates.
To store carbohydrates as fat, 30 percent of the energy taken from the carbohydrate is spent. Whereas, the oils taken with food are transferred directly from the nutrient to the fat deposits with little energy expenditure. For this reason it is more difficult to gain weight with carbohydrates. The restriction of calories taken with meals during diet and after meals should be especially on oils. You should also be careful when choosing the correct carbohydrate that is low in glycemic load for you to be really saturated when you lose weight. These nutrients are rich in vitamins, minerals, plant chemicals and fibers and are voluminous and satisfying. Nutrition is also very healthy in terms of physiology, full of protective substances and valuable.
White breads made of unders are not the right choice because they are lint free, eat whole grain bread.
White flour products should avoid as much as possible from starchy foods and sugary products, such as potatoes, which lack fiber. Because these vitamins, minerals, plant chemicals and fiber is worthless. In addition, these foods can be renewed in extreme amounts without saturation. Fibers protect our health. They play a regulatory role in carbohydrate and fat metabolism. There are also effects when we are hungry or tired. In particular, soluble fiber in oats, vegetables and fruits keeps cholesterol under control, gives it saturation and avoids the sudden rise of blood sugar after meals. Liften-rich food fills up without getting more calories.
From whole grains, whole wheat, at least whole wheat breads are healthier than they are richer in fiber.
All of these are important factors to stay fine. Fibers can not be broken down by body enzymes. But beneficial bacteria in the gut make the fibers necessary for health. Since each of the fibers has different effects on metabolism, it is useful to have a wide variety of foods you eat. At least 5 servings of fruit and vegetable food a day should be consumed and full grain products consumed. Thus, enough fiber is removed. Carbohydrate foods cause secretion of insulin hormones in the body. Insulin allows the neighboring glucose (sugar) to enter the cells. Insulin also opens the cells' gates to fatty acids and amino acids (protein building blocks), not just sugar. This is justified as a storage hormone.
Insulin Problem
For overweight people, excess fat and carbohydrate taken with food for many years have caused high levels of insulin secretion. The constant presence of high levels of insulin ultimately makes the body cells insensitive to insulin. In this case, insulin can not show its full effect and glucose can not be taken up enough by body cells. In addition, fatty acids, which are usually high in calories in obesity, block the transport of sugars to the cells, further aggravating metabolism. The blood sugar remains high. The result is type 2 diabetes.
In obesity diabetes, normal weight gain and stroke are vital. Carbohydrate foods are different in blood sugar and insulin levels. It is necessary to eat carbohydrates with low glycemic index to avoid weight gain and stay in descending kilns. This index is a measure of the level of blood sugar after eating. With low glycemic index carbohydrates, you can keep fat in your body after you eat by keeping your level of carcinogenic insulin low. After eating low glycemic index foods, blood sugar gradually increases. Insulin increase is not an abnormal measure. However, the amount consumed at one time from these foods should not be over-measured. Because the glycemic index as well as the amount of total carbohydrates consumed in a single day is also important.
For this reason, a very new factor in glycemic load (glycemic load) has been taken into consideration in recent days. It is not only the glycemic index, but also the carrot sample that reveals how important it is to take into account the amount of carbohydrates in each pork.
For a long time, carrots have been taken on the black list as "high glycemic index". The glycemic index measures the blood sugar of a 50 gram carbohydrate in a food variety. The carcase glycemic index is 85, which is very high. However, the amount of carbohydrates in carrots is 4.8 percent. So you need to eat 1 kilogram of carrots to get 50 grams of carrots from the carrot! When 200 grams of normal serving is consumed, very little carbohydrate is taken and glycemic load is not very high.
Attention to Glycemic Index
Although the glycemic indexes of watermelon and melon are high (75), the glycemic load is low because the carbohydrate content is low. Whereas the potato - a concentrated carbohydrate store - especially the fried potato glycemic index contains 6 more carbohydrates, although it is close to the carrot.
So when you eat 100 grams of fried potatoes, the glycemic load is much higher than the same amount of carrots.
Foods with a high glycemic index factor may cause blood sugar levels to increase after they have taken up the glycemic load in excess (eg raisins, dried fruits, fried potatoes, potato crisps, cornflakes, popcorn, white bread, molasses, honey, sugar, chocolate, Excess and elevated insulin levels.
Insulin prevents fat burning.
At the beginning of the foods with high glycemic index are white flour products, white rice, baked potatoes, sugary drinks and foods and grape sugar (glucose). It is a logical and useful method to combine a food with a high glycemic index (potato, white rice) and a food with a low glycemic index (vegetable or lentil) to lower the glycemic index factor. Thus, the glycemic index of the total of the foods consumed at that time falls to the appropriate level.
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