Can Kids Play Sports?

Can Kids Play Sports?
Is it good or bad? Let's take the answer from the bride's specialist, especially the question of sports lovers like me, asking at least once in their life. Here is an article that tells the question of whether the child can do sports and some precautions that should be taken.
Children Can Also Play Sports!
Movement and exercise are important contributions to the healthy growth and development of the child. Sports develop the child in terms of personal, social and physical. Physically, it strengthens the lungs and the heart and reduces the risk of heart and lung disease that can occur in the adult period. Strengthens muscles, joint ligaments, nourishes joints. It ensures that the gastrointestinal system works regularly and develops the child in a social sense.
The time, duration, and type of starting should be discussed with the knowledge of the benefits of sports and exercise in children. Because each child's abilities and levels of development are different, each exercise is not suitable for every child. Moving according to the skill level of the child is the best way to find enjoyable activities, especially in very young age groups, that match the child's skill level.
If the child is doing sports activities, the activities that can be suggested are:
Sports Child Age 2-3
Running in the garden or playground, swing, playground
Games in water
Sports Child Age 4-6
Dancing, catching, eliminating like games
Rope skipping
Dodge ball
Three or four wheels
After this age, children can participate in team games.
Recommended games
Catching, rolling, rope skipping, swimming, stretching, seksek, frisbee, hiking, cycling
Sports Kids 2-6 Years
Children of this age group are learning basic skills of action such as throwing, catching, running, leaping, jumping. These skills help the central nervous system to develop properly. A regular exercise program is not recommended for children in this age group. It is more accurate to play games that develop basic motor skills.
Sports Child 7-10 years old
This group of children acquired basic mobility skills. As memories and decision-making abilities are developed, they can grasp the strategies of some games. However, they may not achieve the complex movements and skills required by some organize team games. Different games can be played so that this group of children can use their basic skills in more difficult games.
Cycling, ball games, tennis, table tennis, skating, dancing, gymnastics, football, swimming
Sports Children 10 years and over
Children can now participate in team games that require complex activity. In football and basketball, the physical safety of the child is important. Apart from the risk of physical injury, it also starts to win and lose with competition sports. Children can not tolerate losing. The child should be warmed up to sports morality and purpose. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to the focus of the child in the right direction. It is not right to start with aerobic or resistant exercise programs until this age. Long-distance conditions should not be allowed until adolescence. A moderate-intensity aerobic exercise program can be started in children over 10 years of age. The frequency should be at most 3 days per week, and should be listened to during training days. The training period should not exceed 30 minutes. Different forms of activities are needed to improve all muscles.
Organize team sports, jogging, skating, cycling, rope skating, aerobics, swimming, rowing, athletics.

Points to consider in muscle strengthening exercises:
All strengthening activities should be supervised by trained personnel. It should not be forgotten that the child does not complete its development physiologically no matter how great. When children play sports, the main purpose is to learn the right technique for all the exercises. First the technique must be learned, the resistance must be added later and slowly increased. Proper breathing techniques should be taught. The speed of the exercise must be controlled and sudden rapid germs should be avoided. If the child is going to play sports, bodybuilding and weight lifting are forbidden at this age. Exercises that require full joint range of motion, including multiple joints, should be performed. If the child is going to play sports, he should be sure that he understands what he says and can do. The weights should be as high as 8-12 times per set, very heavy weights should be avoided. It is necessary to make two sets of 8-10 different exercises involving all main muscle groups and to relax for 1-2 minutes between exercises. Strengthening exercises should be done 2 days a week and different activities should be offered at other times.
Sensitive Points in Children's Sports
Growing ligaments and bones: The bones of children are different from the bigger ones, at the ends of the bones there are parts called the growth plate and the extension parts. These growth plaques are open and active until 13-15 years for girls and 15-17 years for boys. When the bone is overloaded, these growth plaques are damaged rather than tendons and ligaments. Inflammation may occur in growth plates due to overuse.
Excessive use and injuries: In children, physical activity should include not only a single sport but also a variety of physical activities. Long-running training requires increased use of sports such as running, gymnastics and tennis to increase the risk of overuse injuries. Maratona's age of participation is therefore increased from 16 to 18.
Sensitive Points in Children's Sports 1: The Way to Win and the Creation Issues:
Making the sport not only for participation but for the medal has some dangerous consequences. Only sports made to win pose risks to the athlete.
Sensitive Points in Children's Sports 2: Women's Sportsmen Trilogy:
The female athlete trilogy seen in female athletes is the best known of these. Anorexia, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis, which develop after overtraining, are an important problem that threatens the health of female athletes.
Sensitive Points in Children's Sports 3: Substance Abuse:
A serious problem is the use of ergogenic substances in children and adolescent athletes. As professional athletes always have their earning mentality in adolescent amateur sportsmen, substance use is increasing. The use of steroids should be investigated in early sexually athletes. Young athletic producers also use nutritional supplements that are claimed to be safe by the manufacturers. Creatine and androstenedione can be sold on the internet. However, there is no scientific evidence that these substances are safe in the long run in children and adolescents. It is the primary duty of the physician and the family to protect young athletes, whose coaches even encourage, from using such substances.
Sensitive Points in Children's Sports 4:
Overuse Syndromes:
The orthopedic problems encountered in young athletes should be emphasized. Shoulder problems on the cheeks and shin splints on the runners are the most common overuse syndromes. If precautionary measures are taken early by recognizing overuse syndromes, they can be prevented from causing stress ulcers.
Sensitive Points in Children's Sports 5:
Sports-related injuries:
Such injuries are mostly happening during matches and competitions. In the recovery process, active resting is required, not passive, and it is essential that an experienced physician monitor and treat your child correctly in order to be able to return to the spore again. Excessive use syndromes are observed in sports such as football, where knee and ankle injuries are the most frequent in field sports, and sport involving recurrent activities such as swimming.
Most Common Injuries Among Most Active Children
Acute injuries occur suddenly and after trauma. Crumbling, buckling and difficulties are seen at a young age. There may be bone fractures and bond breaks in the ergens. Bleeding in the eye without age, retinal decomposition, corneal scarring; Bone fractures, ligament injuries, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries. The causes of such acute injuries are that the equipment is not correct or is not used properly. For example, eyeball injuries in basketball and racket sports are not uncommon.
Excessive Use Injuries: Excessive use injuries are more important than adults, as they affect children's growth and development. Excessive stress on the bones and joints is the result.
Most commons
Ankle sprains: In older children, stretch or rupture at the ankle joints is more frequent than wrist fractures. It should be treated immediately.
Fractures: Fractures can occur on growth plates due to overuse.
Severe disease: characterized by heel pain. Inflammation of the heel bulge is caused by excessive use of the growth point.
Front knee pain: It is felt under the kneecap. The knee can be sensitive and swollen. Usually the main muscle groups around the thigh, quadriceps and hamstring muscles are the result of tension.
Swimmer's shoulder: The swimmer's shoulder is swollen due to the recoil action. The pain can start intermittently and gradually become more common.
Shin splint: There is pain and discomfort in the thighs of the legs. Excessive training or hard training is observed after the training.
Spondylolysis: Repetitive rotation, backward or flexion movements of the back muscles result in damage to the end result and lead to a back pain. It is frequent in sports such as football, gymnastics, wrestling.
Factors Increasing Overuse Syndromes:
Rapid growth periods or flexibility-force differences
Insufficient heating
Extreme activity
Bad technique
Improper equipment
Recurrent injuries
The injury is observed when the spore is not healed sufficiently. The risk of re-injury of the athlete returning to the spore without full recovery is very high. Since the body is injured and can not use the freshly healed part, it may move unnecessarily or erratically to compensate it. The best remedy is to wait for healing completely. It is necessary to warm up regularly before the sport and to cool down afterwards. The exit to the competition must also be gradual.
Factors that cause injuries in children who exercise
Usually children under age 8 are still growing, so reflexes and reaction times are slow, their coordination is not complete. Because children mature at different ages, even if they are of the same age, sometimes there are significant differences between height and weight. Children in different sizes are at the same age, so there is a risk of injury if they play each other. As children grow and become stronger, the risk increases even more. In addition, children may go into very risky situations without being aware of the fact that some activities do not evaluate risks as well as adults. There is a high risk of injury in contact sports. Football is more dangerous than other sports. Boxing is not suitable for children. There is no such thing as asthmatic children can not play sports. Children with asthma who are kept under control with medicines can also play sports like their peers.
While your child is wearing sneakers
Children's feet are constantly growing. For this reason, when choosing a sports shoe, one should be careful that there is a finger distance between the nose of the shoe and the tip of the longest finger. In the shop both shoes should be worn by the child, should have normal socks worn every day, shoelaces should be worn. In a matter of minutes, it's clear that your shoe fits. The feet should be lightly swollen in the evening and should be taken to the shoe shop in the evening.
Multi-purpose shoes are enough for many sports in small children. Running shoes are not suitable as a multipurpose shoe because running shoes increase the risk of injury because they do not allow sideways movement.
Spore-specific shoes can be selected after ten years of age to improve performance and protect feet. Except for the running shoe, all the shoes can be used interchangeably without harming the foot of the young athlete.
Bicycling, skating boys wearing head protection caps. The floor must be smooth, concrete floors should not be preferred. The coaches should pay attention to the security conditions as well as the games and competitions. Care must be taken that all children's skills, size, and physical capacities fit together.
Pre-school child's preparation
After the warm-up and training is done before the match or competition, the match-competition must be started. The child should be well fed, have enough fluid, and have to rest at intervals.
For organizing sports, make sure your child wants it, never force him to be in a team.
When evaluating a sport, it is also important to ask questions such as the amount and price of the equipment the child will need, the amount of physical contact, personal skill, team size, and whether the child has the opportunity to participate. If there are different sports opportunities, the child should try all of them and, if possible, learn some. Some of the kids may play team games, some like individual sports, others who do not like contact sports, and the hand-eye coordination is not enough for mass games.
Is your child playing sports in good hands?
Factors such as the importance of the safety and safety of the trainer, whether or not all participants are involved in the game, the approach to winning and losing, the goals of the child, the pre-training warm-up periods, and the grouping of children according to their physical development and skill levels are important for the safety of the child.
Suggestions for parents
All parents want to see their children as successful athletes, but too much pressure on the child can create physical and mental distress. The child should like the spore, and if it is difficult, it may hate the spore for life.
As a parent who is an active athlete of three children, I am close acquaintance with the sporty children. However, I was very close to the excitement of parents who were overly enthusiastic and passionate and the coaches gave their children. Most coaches know that the child has won a lot from teaching fair play, skill and fun. Sports should be a source of entertainment, not stress. Sports activity is a fun way to teach the child to cope with any living problem. Rather than being punished when they lose their children, they must be rewarded for doing what they do with their hands and learning new skills.
As each child matures at a different speed, the team changes from sportive age to child. Sometimes parents push a child to a spore and expect him to be very successful. In this case, the child trains very long each day. This is not true for pre-adolescent children. A child who learns a lot of sports in the early years is more easily excelled in a specific spade in later ages. In general, children up to 12 years old are not strong enough to cope with the effects of training stress and social life. For this reason, it is not good for children to specialize in a single spord before the age of 12 years.
Make sure that your child's heart, not yours, is involved in sports such as swimming, ice-skating, gymnastics, especially where you need to train long hours all day long. Do not put too much performance pressure on the child. Do not let the jogging shoes use in field sports, the ankle can be sprained. Change shoes frequently. Use protective gear whatever the sport. Always be positive and encouraging. Emphasize the importance of participating in and participating in personal talent and winning. Make good examples yourself. Remember that your child's goal is to be a healthy, happy and productive adult.
Frequently asked questions by parents:
How can my child love sports?
Restrict TV viewing and computer games. Become an example to him by doing sports yourself. Start a jogging, swimming, cycling, tennis, basketball and other sports that you can do together.
How do I avoid excessive fatigue?
Give the child time to play free. Joining a large number of spores increases the child's motor skills, enhances sportiness, self-confidence, and enriches the child from the social side. Prevent a single spore orientation.
If the child does not want to go to training or is unhappy before training, check the situation.
For the first time my child has started a number of sports. How should I behave in combat?
Cheer for the entire team, not just for your child. Do not interfere with your child during the competition, do not try to coach. Restrain your emotions, support your child, but always stay in the audience. Remember to thank coaches, referees.
My child needed to lose weight, what should I do?
Take your child to a doctor and explain the situation and get a proper diet recommendation. Never apply to weight loss medicines, laxatives, diuretic, excessive calorie restriction, rubber clothing, health-threatening routes such as saunas.
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