What is Essential in Nutritition?

What is Essential in Nutritition?
Essential nutrients are substances that can not be synthesized by our organism. In other words, the substances our body can not produce in itself are essence. These substances should first be taken to our bodies with additional nutrients if this is not possible from the foods. Of course we recommend that you take natural foods as bodytr. Because nutrients found in nature are most suitable for the use of our body.
Essential wording is most often used when referring to "essential oils" and "essential amino acids". However, the only essential ingredient is oils and amino acids.
The lack of essential substances can lead to many minor health problems. Some of the essential nutrients are vital to the body. Serious health problems can arise as a result of insufficient intake of important essential nutrients in the body.
For example, if some essential oils can not be taken, it is possible to get blood from the urine. Likewise, the lack of essential proteins and fats negatively affects the development of children especially in the age of growth and development. Nowadays fish oil tablets, which are sold as food supplements, are an alternative because natural essential oils (such as natural and real butter, fish) can not be picked up as essential as saturated fatty acids. In the same way, some people can correct this mistake with nutritional supplements if they are mistakenly and misinformed due to their eating habits.
Essential ingredients are found naturally in foodstuffs. For example, sodium and chloride ions for our bodies are the two essentials with large prescription. These substances can be taken together in table salt (the table salt consists of sodium chloride) or can be taken separately from other nutrients. Because sodium and chlorine ions pass through nutrients from the water in the nature and from the soil. Of course, if we do not get enough sodium or chloride ions from the food, we must use salt to cover our minus.
Certain essentials do not have a vital prescription directly. For example, selenium is an essence, but there is no vital importance in the first degree.
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