Eating at Night

Night Eating Syndrome is an eating disorder that causes gain fat. Night feeding syndrome (Night Few Syndrome) is the latest outbreak of eating disorders. It is a danger to healthy life. For the first time in 1955, it was mentioned in the morning as a disease consisting of 1) saturation, feeling of satiety, 2) hyperphagia (ie consumption of more than half of daily calorie consumption) and 3) insomnia. Improvements in diagnosis and treatment were recorded with studies conducted from the past to the present day. The incidence of night eating syndrome increases with weight.
Nighttime impairment has typical characteristics;
- Usually there is no appetite in the morning and no hunger is felt. The first meal is eaten after hours.
- After eating dinner, something is eaten again and more than 50% of your daily calorie needs are consumed. At night, we wake up and unconsciously go to the kitchen and have a snack.
- This condition lasts at least three nights a week for more than two months and high-calorie snacks are made during frequent wakes.
- It creates feelings of tension, anxiety and guilt at night.
- Nighttime syndrome is thought to be a strange response and is usually associated with depression. Especially in the evening, the individuals feel nervous, agitated and irritable.
- They have difficulty falling into sleep or having difficulty sleeping. They can not afford quality sleep.
- Preferred snacks are carbohydrate and sugar.
- This type of eating behavior makes the person feel guilty, shameful and regretful.
Nighttime syndrome has not yet officially been described as an eating disorder because it is not fully understood at this time. The underlying causes are being investigated and treatment plans are still being developed. Nighttime syndrome is thought to be a combination of biological, genetic and emotional factors.
According to one assumption, those who suffer from this problem are under the influence of a hidden stress that has not been defined or revealed. The fact that nighttime syndrome is associated with stress also suggests that other studies have shown that cortisol levels are high in those who take night-time snacks. According to this claim, night eating episodes are a defense that the body made to slow the production of this hormone. Before this explanation is accepted or rejected, you should be aware that stress triggers nighttime syndrome and that the stress reduction program helps those people learn stress control
The research also focuses on food choices for those who have night-time snacks. Weighted choice is the carbohydrate that enhances the chemicals that make you feel better in your brain. This choice is considered as a tendency of the body to treat an unconscious self.
If you have a problem with night-time feeding, you can first contact a health professional for a detailed review. You can also get help from a psychologist working with eating disorders and a dietitian to help you manage your daily calorie consumption.
Let's examine the claim that "eating disorders are caused by stress" mentioned above:
After the loss of appetite in the daytime, the "night eating disease", which manifests itself with insomnia and an increase in appetite at night, is the result of the body's response to extreme stress.
Some clinical investigations; Between obese people in a stressful time that it occurs disproportionately and relieves the stress of being left out of the way. In a foreign publication in 1955, it was suggested that night eating syndrome is a special di-urinal response that some obese people give to the stratus.
Research shows that the release of hormones from night-time gurus is more variable than the people who eat it (because of their stress). According to researches made especially on female patients; Those who eat at night are also more likely to release stress hormone than normal.
These people wake up to eat at least once a night and place at night after the excess of half of the food they need to get during the day. ACTH (corticotropin releasing hormone) is a hormone secreted by our body as a response to the strase and triggers the release of other stress hormones. If you are stressed very intensively during the day, you will not have a reaction when stress is over. Because you no longer have the hormones to be released for stress. However, if there is less difficulty during the day, the body begins to respond to the stress component (when going home and starting to rest). In fact, this is due to the fact that the relationship between the adrenal glands released by cortisol hormone and the hypothalamus in which we eat is out of control. That is why the night glutton wakes up in the middle of the night and sits at night.
The problem of eating at night can change the biological clock so that it is a problem in one's life. In these findings, researchers are struggling to find a treatment that will return the biological clock to normal.
Individuals with night-time illness should definitely think about "how much and what they ate" before bedding.
Nighttime Syndrome can cause obesity as long as it is not observed. Disease; Similar to the structure of depression. Depression is seen in low amounts during the day, but it increases in the evening and night. Concerns about food and diet are often not seen in people with Night Eating Syndrome. In other words, people are not in a healthy diet, in low amounts to consume food or diet. The prevalence of nighttime eating syndrome (the proportion of people with a specific disease or illness in a given population, within a given period of time, included in the study) has been shown to be common in the general population. In particular, the presence of Night Eating Syndrome among fat ladies is noticeable. Let's list the symptoms of 'Night Fever Syndrome';
A- Patients do not have an appetite even if they have breakfast, they want to eat less, they eat less.
B- In the evening, on the contrary, in the morning, the increase in appetite was seen in the person; At least 50% of the daily calorie is taken only with snacks after the last evening meal.
C- At least 3 times a week waking in the night sleep is seen.
D- Snacks are made during night wake ups, which include high-calorie and quick-to-bite foods.
E The above-mentioned items last at least 3 months.
If the above symptoms are caused by another disease, it should not be thought that it originated from nighttime syndrome.
It has been observed that night snacks have a very high carbohydrate content. In these people, melatonin (sleep hormone) does not rise as fast as nighttime, sleep is not sustained and depression is seen. Sleep wakefulness in these disorders often accompanies sleepwalking and associated sleep disturbances. The relationship between these disorders and nighttime syndrome is not clear. The underlying cause of this disorder is not yet fully understood. Despite continuing to work on the treatment of this disease, there have not been enough treatment studies so far. It is considered that the patient should be taken to an appropriate treatment program together with Dietician and Psychologist.
While the causes are still being investigated, other eating disorders and Night Eating Syndrome are accompanied by depression, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, alcohol and substance abuse, gambling addiction, shopping dependence, impulse control disorders such as kleptomania, lack of confidence, anger, distress, stress and sadness.
Unhappy childhood, problematic relationships can be counted as one of the most important causes of these two eating disorders.
As the night eating syndrome can lead to obesity and thus many diseases brought on by obesity, taking nutritional specialists as well as psychological support in the treatment process shortens the treatment period and makes the treatment more efficient.
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