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Incline Bench Press

Incline Bench Press

The Incline Bench Press movement is a movement in which the weightlifter is lowered and lifted when the lower side of the body is lower than the top, with specially adjusted angled corners. The intention is to focus on the upper parts of the intended chest. With this movement, the upper chest region can be stimulated more vigorously, resulting in a more effective development.

The incline used in this movement means "showing a slope". This name was given because the coffee table showed a slope upwards.

Incline Bench Press :

It is applied on a queue called "Incline Bench" which is specially arranged. It stretches in this order. However, thanks to the special equipment and adjustment mechanism of the upper part of the line, the head and body are above and the legs are down. The inclination of the Sehpan, made by an inline bench press, is about 35 - 45 degrees. The weight lifter is taken from the back and the halter giving partner or the specially equipped straps to the initial position above. The barbell, which is gripped with a slightly wider opening than the shoulder width, is lowered slowly and controlledly towards the collarbone by breathing. Then, with breathing, the elbows are lifted until they become taut.

One of the most efficient movements for upper chest muscles, the incline bench press is an action that should be applied by those who want to fill and improve the upper side of the chest.

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