Arm Muscles

Main Tasks of the Arm Muscles
The arm is able to bend and flex with the bender (flexor, flexor) muscles and to open and stretch the extensor muscles to the extent allowed by the joint of the elbow. In addition, our arm muscles, which can make certain turns, have a lot of sportive activity and great precaution in our everyday lives. The flexor muscles in our arm are better structured than the extensor muscles, as the various flexion positions, such as various grips, touch patterns, are of more importance.
I was surprised that the adduction and abduction that the so-called sports horses, who do not know the human anatomy, made the arm connect to the arm muscles. This is not true. However, if there is resistance in an adduction or abduction, the arm muscles can be used depending on the resistance. However, it is not the duty of the arm muscles to perform adduction and abduction, but the abduction abduction that the arm makes is mainly connected to the back, shoulder and chest muscles.
Arm Muscles Name List
Without entering a very detailed list, I sort these muscles:
Biceps Brachii
Triceps Brachii
Pronator Teres
Pronator Quadratus
Flexor Pollicis Longus
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
Flexor digitorum superficialis
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Palmaris Longis
Flexor Carpi Radialis
Abductor Pollicis Longus
Extensor Policis Brevis
Extensor Policis Longus
Extensor Indicis
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
Extensor Digiti Minimi
Extensor Digitorum
Main flexor arm muscles:
Biceps brachii
The main opener (extensor) armpit
Triceps brachii scum
The arm is used in all thrust movements. Some parts of this muscle, which is a three-headed muscle on its name, can be thought of as another muscle, but it is not. This muscle is the main limb that opens the elbow joint (another elbow supine is the supinatorial muscle in the forearm), and many sites on our site refer to the triceps brachii muscle as "backhaul scar." The triceps brachii is a caste with incredible appeal in various sports. This muscle has an important function in the shoulder joint, and I will talk a bit about this topic in an article about shoulder muscles. If I can explain the shoulder joint as well, then this muscle is enough for the shoulder.
We have an elbow down and a precut. The knee can make a 230 degree pronation at the best position (when you stand, turn your right hand to the left, this is a pronation, I can tell you this), supination at 130 degrees (turn your right hand to the right to become a supination). The main muscles affecting the pronator and supinator joints responsible for these movements
Pronator teres
Pronator quadrotus
In addition, supine, biceps brachii, normally exert three times more than the supinator muscle in the forearm. So if your chasin is very advanced and your forearm is very weak, you can be loaded so firmly that you can not lift your forearm, your supinator muscle and your joint when you are doing a compelling supination. Many amateur bodybuilding (I use bodybuilding means I want to know that the athlete does not give the necessary preliminaries and invites them to the injuries).
Hand muscles
The movement and muscle system in our hands and fingers is so detailed that it can not be mentioned in this article. However, the ulnar, radial flexor and extensor muscles of the wrist do not originate from the wrist but rather from the middle of the arm, ie our forearm, so I did not want to go without talking about these muscles. I want to tell the hand, wrist, and finger muscles in another post.
Last words
If you are not physically disabled and are not hurdle to sporting activity, your body needs to exercise your arm muscles like other muscles. You do not have to go to gyms for this, but you can stay much healthier with simple exercises to be done life-long with consciousness and determination.
I wish that everyone who reads my writing has healthy and strong arms.
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