
It may be very easy to define a dumbbell by going out of a question to find a dumbbell and it may be unnecessary according to some. However, if they do not know what a dumbbell is and they want to learn from the internet, I want them to read this article.
What is Dumbbell
The dumbbell, a type of free weight, is a piece of equipment used in weight training. It can be used individually or in pairs.

Dumbbell Types
I would have done a little job of categorizing dumbbells, but I think it would be an important job to get a solid foundation for a site that is a sports information source. While classifying dumbbells I distinguish two main classes; Fixed weight dumbbells and weight changeable dumbbells. I have classified them in themselves.
Fixed Weighted Dumbbells
The weights of fixed weight dumbbells can not be changed. Such dumbbells are not suitable for adding weight plates, increasing their weight or reducing their weight. The fixed weight dumbbells are separated by their shape, raw material and coating as they are separated in themselves. The first example that can be given to fixed-weight dumbbells that are different in form are dumbbells called "influenza dumbbells". In my opinion, the dumbbells with handles are similar to the kettlebell, but in many places they are called dumbbells. The only difference is that they are much lighter than the entrances, while the entrances are usually heavier and the dumbbells with handles are produced at lower weights.
If we distinguish dumbbells as raw materials, dumbbells are usually made from demirdas, because iron is a heavy and cheap raw material. Some dumbbells are made entirely of plastic types and do not use metals such as iron. In rare cases, however, dumbbells made of wood or stone can be seen, these are custom made.
According to the coatings, fixed weight dumbbells are coated with chromium or aluminum with plastic derivatives, although they contain iron or other metal. In chromium-coated iron dumbbells, the aim is to achieve a better appearance and to prevent corrosion of the iron. Dumbbells covered with plastic are covered with plastic derivatives called vinly or neoprene. Especially the neoprene dumbbells are aesthetic purpose preliminary. Plastic-covered dumbbells sold in the market are filled with concrete, not metal, and therefore are not too heavy, although they are large.
Weights Adjustable Dumbbells
The weights of these dumbbells can be changed, increased or decreased. The first thing that comes to mind is to add a weight plate to a small bar. This is a grooveless bar called a ribbed or olympic bar. I do not recommend ribbed rods because adding and removing weight during training is a waste of time, but the ribbed rods called olimpik are more expensive. In fact, grooving a bar increases the cost, which means that the grooved bars are actually more expensive. So why are the grooves cheaper and the grooved ones are more expensive than the olympic ones? This is the quality of the metal used in the first rod. The high weights of the Olympic rods must carry smoothly and must be produced accordingly. So if you see a dumb damper rod with a poor quality, make sure to carry it too high even when you buy it cheaply or use it at low weight.
There are also "watery" dumbbells, which are not at all widespread, with vessels that can be filled with water to the right of the bar. However, these dumbbells are not very heavy due to the water's essence.
Suggestions for purchasing dumbbells
Those who open the gym must have a dumbbell set that offers a rich variety to serve people from all ages and all walks of life. At the same time they should have small dumbbells that can be used in aerobic work. For working at high weights, they should have several pairs of olympic dumbbells and enough weight discs. The dumbbells they use should be covered with chromium or aluminum or regularly painted with the most healthy and suitable paints on the market.
I do not recommend you to buy Chinese-made weights using poor quality iron. Do not claim iron and do not compromise on the quality of these products that will literally become "fixtures" in your salon.

Recommendations for Dambling Claims at Home
If you are going to change dumbbells we will get 6 bars and recommend you to buy a weight plate up to capacity. Before each workout you will do movements and prepare your dumbbells according to their weights.
Fixed weight dumbbells will be more cost-effective, especially vinly-covered fixed-weight dumbbells are sold at a very cheap price.
By taking 3 pairs of dumbbells of 3 kilograms, 5 kilograms and 8 (or 10 kilograms) into an average male house, many movements can work as intensively at home, develop muscles and gain form and protect this form. For those who want to improve the body at home, these weights work well for 1 year. It would be great if you had a coffee table and a sturdy weight lifting device.
An average woman can make a nice sport at home by taking 3 pairs of dumbbells of 1 kilogram, 3 kilograms and 5 kilograms.
If the dumbbell sets mentioned above are purchased as fixed weight vinly weights, the men's set I mentioned can be bought up to three or five up to 40-50 pounds and the women's set 25-30 pounds with today's prices.
Home Dumbbell Making
Do you have dumbbells at home? Yes, it is. The first thing you need is a solid rod. For high weights it is better if your bar is made of solid iron pipes or even of steel. You can use hollow pipes for lower weights, sticks from trees for even lower weights (even better if a solid tree is available).
In the second stage, we will use dumbbells to create weights. For this you can see canned canisters, oil tins or a cast iron tin can.
In the third phase, we have to fill in the concrete (or sand or whatever comes to mind) to make the box or the like heavy. Prepare your concrete with sand and water by taking as much cement as you need for this and pour your boxes, and place your bar in the boxes as well. To support the bar, it would be better to boil a few small pieces of iron around the ends, which will keep the concrete better. After turning the concrete, water it regularly and wait for it to dry.
I used to make 4 small weightlifters, 2 large weightlifters and a medium weight lifter years ago. They are still solid and usable.
You can do dumbbells at home in other ways, but I've seen enough to tell you this for the time being. If you have successful dumbbell-making work, you can publish it on the site by typing me.
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