Muscle Building

Muscle Building
How much muscle can we make? How many muscles are developed in healthy and natural ways? Here is an article that will help you learn average values.
How many muscles can we actually build?
The source of this problem lies in the belief that our bodies can build large muscles very quickly.
The average bodybuilder has unrealistic expectations as to making the subject muscles. I can not give a definite figure, but a group of bodybuilders, especially young people, think that 9 kilos of muscle development in a month is 'normal'. Even some bodybuilders I see complain about a muscle growth of 4.5 pounds over a period of two months! I do not like to give you such bad news, but your body (if you are not using muscle-enhancing drugs) can not build it so quickly ... It does not even get close to it ...
Normally I have no problem with people with big expectations. However, If it develops so fast, belief can lead to wrong diet approaches and drug use. That's why I'm trying to get stones here. Many of you will not like me very much, but a friendly pain ...
In the best possible situations (excellent diet, training and supplementation and resting strategies) an average male can achieve 200-500 grams of dry muscle growth per week. This is the maximum muscle mass that your body will naturally provide you with. This equates to a half or a kilogram per month. This development may not be very much for you, but after a year of work, a development of between 5,5 and 9 kilos is achieved.
You can get more weight by putting less fat in your body. Because when you increase muscle mass, you also increase the glycogen and water stores in these muscles. More muscle equals more glycogen ... An agonist can store 40 gr of glycogen per 100 gr muscle. So if you develop a new muscle of 10 pounds (4545 g) you will also have stored 4 pounds (1.8 kg) of glycogen. So if you get 10 pounds of muscle growth, you can get 14 pounds (6.36 kg). If you get more than 3 pounds (1.36 kg) a month you can get a little grease.
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