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Warming Up/Stretching

Warming up the spade is a very, very important matter that every level athlete should know. I have nothing to say about the subject below, but I want to tell you a good point: warming is not a single thing. So jogging (jogging), rope-like warming that does not involve any kind of thing, like raising the temperature of the whole body and reading below, is a very important and necessary job that prepares your whole body for training or sporting activity. I suggest a light tempo run.

You will read below while discussing the warmth of the spore. In another warming, such as formal warming, you will do exercise with no weight or low weight. This is a kind of warmth and it has both a performance enhancement and the ability to prevent injuries. In other words, before you start making a squat or bench press action with your work weight, it would be incredibly beneficial to make these movements in a single set containing 10-15 or a suitable number of repetitions using very low weights.

Warming Up

Warming up the spade is a very, very important matter that every level athlete should know. I have nothing to say about the subject below, but I want to tell you a good point: warming is not a single thing. So jogging (jogging), rope-like warming that does not involve any kind of thing, raising the temperature of the whole body and reading below, is a very important and necessary job that prepares your whole body for training or sporting activity. I suggest a light tempo run.

You will read below while discussing the warmth of the spore. In another warming, such as formal warming, you will not exercise with no weight or low weight. This is a kind of warmth and it has both a performance enhancement and the ability to prevent injuries. In other words, before you start making a squat or bench press action with your work weights, it would be incredibly beneficial to make these movements in a single set containing 10-15 or very low weights.

Warming Up in the Sports in 10 Questions

1-What is warm-up?

In the event of a competition or training, the entire sequence of physical and mental activities to achieve the optimum performance required by that competition or training is called warming.

In short, warming is the preparation of the body as a whole to compete or work.

When the concept of warming is evaluated, the warming event should be looked at first in two dimensions. These dimensions are general warming and local warming concepts. Here, the general warm-up is the heating of the whole body in an active or passive way before a competition and training. Local warming is the heat that is used for active or passive methods involving the heating of certain muscle groups during the rehabilitation process following sports injuries or injuries, or during the training preparations after rehabilitation.

2 - What are the benefits of warming?

Warming is, in our opinion, the most important part of a sporting activity. For this reason, we want to handle this issue in some detail. When we look at the sports fields, we usually encounter three types of athletes with warming habits.

These are the athletes who are warming themselves on their own and only with their own movements; The second is a group of sportsmen who apply a common warming program in groups and the third is a group of athletes who warm up under a coach.

When we look at warming on an individual basis, we see the following table:

Athletes look at three different aspects of warming based on their educational status, their sporting age, their professionalism and performance levels. For some athlete the warm-up period is a period of training during training or at the beginning of the competition, during which the training period will be reduced to a slang term. Some are the most important and necessary part of the athlete's warm-up, training or judging, and give the necessary warmth with great care. Some athlete looks like a phenomenon that needs to be warmed up as part of work before training or competition. In its essence, warming is the most important part of the sport, whether pre-competition or training.

When we look at the literature in this regard, it has been observed that warming all over the investigations affects sporty performance positively.

With sufficient warming, both aerobic (oxygenated) energy generation and anaerobic (oxygen-free) energy generation are positively affected. When examined from the neuro-muscular (neuromuscular) function, it was determined that the muscle strength increased with sufficient warming

The warming muscle is regressing more and it is able to contract more quickly. The reaction time of the nerves and muscles is shortened by warming. The increase in muscle elasticity of the warm-up allows greater joint amplitudes (motion angle). Movement of the joints is facilitated by warming.

In addition, warming, goal-setting and coordination of movements can be improved.

In general terms warming increases endurance (durability), speed, strength, leap, stretch ability. At the same time, one of the most important health aspects of warming is the minimization of the risk of sport injuries such as warming, muscle, ligament and tendon injuries. Therefore, when muscle-based warming is evaluated, there are two main effects in general:
A-Effect of prophylactic (disabling).
B-Increasing effect of the workforce (performance) of the event.

When the sports literature is searched, it has been determined that the effects on the performance of the required heat and sufficient time are always positive.

Especially when some athletes are exposed to an injury without adequate warming, they realize the importance of warming up. Here, this is an undesirable but costly experience for athletes and their team through the "trial-and-error" method.

3-How long should the heating period be?

The duration of warm-up varies according to the sport. When we look at the literature, we see values ​​between 10 minutes and 30 minutes minimum. During this time, there is a difference in team sports and individual sports.

Also, when setting the warm-up time, the environment in which the competition or training is to be held, the temperature of the air, the competition or the training time must be considered. In some literatures, it is mentioned that the duration of the total training period should be between 20-30%.

4. What are the heating methods?

When we look at sports literature, we encounter two kinds of warming methods. These; Active and passive heating methods.

Active heating method; Physical activity prior to a training or competition. The passive warming method is the rehabilitation of sports injuries and the warmth they have made using various means before the training of new sportsmen in rehabilitation. In this passive warming, various electrical physical therapy devices, baths, showers, whirlpool baths, massage with normal or various creams and other physical therapy methods are used.

5 - What are the types of heating?

Heating patterns are divided into informal and formal heating. Informal warming is a non-genre study such as jogging, straight running, calisthenics (culture-physics).

Formal warming includes movements specific to that sport. Movements such as tournaments, volleyball service, service on the court or playing on the wall tennis, rusting on the soccer ball (rats in the middle) are typical forms of warming.

6-What should be started to warm up?

The warming must start with informal warming and continue with formal warming. There are two views for informal warming in this regard. The first thing to do when starting to warm up with informal, non-specific movements is the stretch exercises that must be done first. The second view is that the jog should be thrown before stretching.

The literature we surveyed does not have a clear explanation in the research conducted in this respect. Here the preference varies depending on the habit of the coach. As mentioned above, after the informal warming, it is passed to the formal warming which is specific to that setting. The last phase of warming must consist of formal movements. The organizational effects of formal movements that are specific to this branch can be summarized as follows:

A. During the sportive activity, the blood flow and the muscle heat in the muscles that participate in the movement are primarily brought to the physiologically optimum level

B. Preparations are made for neuro-muscular (nervous-muscle) mechanisms and hand-eye coordination that are used directly in the branch.

 7 - What should be the stretching time in the stretching?

The stretching time varies depending on the shape of the stretching movement. According to Bob Anderson, this time ranges from 4 seconds to 60 seconds. For example, for the calf biceps (lower back leg biceps-calf) and the Achilles tendon this is 15-30 seconds while the time in the neck muscles is 5 seconds.

8- What is the expression of pain in Stretching?

A lot of people are doing things to increase their flexibility. So stretching, stretching as much as they can stretch. Stretching makes the muscle hardened. If you feel pain during stretching, stretching should be stopped. Most athletes usually stretch to the pain. This belief stems from the misconception that excessive germans in them are more and more likely to increase their ability to stretch. This is misleading because the pain experienced during stretching is a sign of a microtrauma in that group of muscles. Overstretch causes injury of microscopic tissues and scarring. If the scars are not temporary, it will reduce the elasticity of the muscles and cause intense pain. At this point, muscle fibers have reduced elasticity, inelastic fibers, dense scars that inhibit blood circulation in the tissues, thus disturbing the carrier nerve recep- tors. Therefore, it causes more injury in the related muscle fibers and muscle tissues surrounding it. Every extreme stretching will result in bad blood circulation.

As a result, the target is removed from the target. If more flexibility is intended and the tension made on it is excessive, this will have the opposite effect. The flexibility of that muscle group is reduced. After all, all extreme germs are dangerous and useless. The pain experienced during stretching is an expression of the beginning of this negativity.

9- What is the difference between stretching and flexibilty?

The concepts of stretch and flexibilty are constantly intermingled. Stretch is also kept in a fixed state for a certain period of time. Muscles are constantly loosened by a contraction. Stretch is a form of study for the development of muscle flexibilis (flexibility).

10- Is a warm-down required?

Cooling after training or competition is very important and necessary. Every workout must be done at the end. The organism must be cooled as it is warmed.
Cooling is an active resting mode. Here, lactic acid (milk acid), which is a fatigue substance in muscle and limb, is removed more rapidly by active rest. It is therefore ensured that the recovery is quicker.

Here, at the end of a basketball training session, a kick or foul throw, a soccer practice result in a corner or penalty throw, and after volleyball training, the service is a cooling method. They can also be cooled by jogging or stretching. The only important thing to remember is that the cooling must be done absolutely. Cooling time should be kept for minimum 10 minutes

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