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Muscles ... Why, it's important, I will give you the answer of questions like how many muscles are in our body. I searched the subject on the internet, but there is no certainty about how many muscles are in the human body. There were different numbers everywhere in the search results on the first page of the response; 650, 639, 529, 501, 217 ... Although some numbers are falsification, the underlying reason for this uncertainty in numbers is that all the muscles in our bodies are not yet named. As a result, according to common knowledge in various sources, we have reached over 530 muscles in our body. In the meantime, it was surprising that this topic has not been mentioned in many sites that have been called sports sites for years. You see, after this writing, they are embarrassed and refer to such basic issues.

In this article, I tried not to do scientific explanations as thoroughly as possible, and I removed or simplified some scientific expressions, but it was not possible to purify the article entirely from scientific terms. Read it without hesitation, I think you will understand.


By the simplest definition; The tissue responsible for movement is called "muscle". It is our responsibility to move with the skeletal system, but in this article we will not touch the details of the skeletal system. Muscle is a movement organ composed of numerous muscle cells. The muscle characteristic is "contractable". Muscle cells are organs with the ability to contract and extend. Muscle cells are characterized by contractile protein structures called myofibrils.

How Many Muscles Are There Ä°n Your Body

There are two types of muscular, structurally structured, striped and smooth muscles. Our smooth muscles are found in places where slow and long-term contractions are necessary and have the feature of being able to stay for a long time in case of a certain contraction. Smooth muscles do not get tired like striped muscles, smooth muscles are found in the intestines and mainly in the blood vessels, in the wall structure of our internal organs and blood vessels. One of the main features that separates smooth muscles from striped muscles is that the innervation of these muscles is provided by the autonomic nervous system, which means that these muscles work involuntarily and start to work automatically from our mother's womb.

When we look at the striped muscles by light and electron microscope, thin lines are seen in the form of lines and these muscles are called striated muscles. Our striated muscles provide the nerve equipment from the central (somatic) nervous system. The movement of these muscles depends on our will. Striated muscles are also called "skeletal muscles".As Sesamesusam site we will focus on the striped muscles and we will talk about how these muscles and these muscles can be developed. "Skeletal muscles have two main tasks. The first is to keep the movement of the skeleton parts. The second one is to stabilize some parts during a movement or a certain state of the body while directing the other parts to the desired action. Accordingly, during function, some of the muscles provide movement while others provide stability ... "

The heart is a special feature because it works automatically from day when we have an involuntary vitality in our autonomic nervous system, even though it is in the striated muscle structure. Heart-like cells, very similar to skeletal muscles, are irregularly branched and much shorter in length (up to 100 microns), as opposed to striated muscles. In contrast to 5% mitochondria in skeletal muscles, this ratio is 30% in the sarcoplasm between the heart muscle fibers.

As a result of intense and long-lasting endurance training, heart hypertrophy and dilatation occur as a consequence of pressure build-up. This is what is called the athlete's heart.

Muscular Helper

Muscle system is not only composed of muscle tissues, but there are auxiliary elements for muscle tissues. I will briefly explain the assistant elements of the muscles in this article in detail. Muscle assistants:
Fascia (fascia) that covers the muscles.
Muscle sheaths.
Beam (Tendon), the task of these tissues, is to transmit the muscular forces to the target tissues such as bones and joints. The beams are separated formally within themselves. The strongest beam in my body is Achilles KiriÅŸidir and I remember that the beams are the most durable tissue after bone and cartilaginous. Beams can be strengthened by training, their resistance to stretching and tearing can be increased and enlarged, and even in some sports, the beams become ossified (ossification). Beams are very important for the athletes and I will tell them in a separate writing.

 Powerless  Bodybuilders

One of the main reasons for the lack of strength when large muscles are made using anabolic steroids is that it is impossible to directly influence the ribs from anabolic steroids. The load carrying capacity of the tendons does not match this artificial increase in strength. I will be talking about this interesting topic in another article and I will tell you how strong bodybuilding athletes and weak bodybuilding athletes are separated.

Striped Skeletal Muscles

The main theme of our writing is the skeletal muscles of the line, which are directly related to the movement system and which are open to development. Most of these muscles work by contracting to a fixed point, this fixed starting point is usually bone and is called "origo". The other muscle that is moving in the muscles is called "insertio". The amount of force that can be introduced varies depending on the shape of the grip in the insertion zone. There are about 400 striped skeletons in our body.

Striped skeletal muscles are fibers that provide contraction. Muscle fibers are arranged in such a way that the primary bundle, the secondary bundle, and finally, the bundle itself will form the muscle itself. The length of skeletal muscle fibers can reach up to 15 cm in some muscles.

The main component of muscle fiber is the striated muscle fibril, consisting of fine (actin) and thick (myosin) strands (from filaments). Each muscle fiber contains myofibrils 1-3 microns in diameter, ranging in size from a few hundred to a few thousand. The number of innate muscle parts of a person can not be increased or reduced, meaning that people with abundant fibrillation and abundant myofibril in every fibril are more inherently stronger. This is one of the great reasons why there are natural force differences among people.

Congenital Marathoners, Congenital Pacemakers

One characteristic of muscle cells (fibrils) and muscle fibers is the presence of different muscle fibers with different functions. There are two main types of muscle fibers, referred to as type 1 and type 2.

Type 1 Muscle Fiber

Red, thin and contractile fibers are called type 1 muscle fibers. Type 1 muscle fiber is used for low intensity muscular activities. I will refer to type 1 muscle fibers with ST (slow twitch) as YK (Slow Contraction). The contractions of the YK muscle fibers are slow, the contraction time is long and the contraction force is low. They are better adapted to long-term exertions that are rarely submaximal.

Type 2 Muscle Fiber

These fibers, which are white, light color and fast twitch, are also called fast fibers. I will refer to HK (Fast Twitch) from type 2 muscle fibers, which is the English abbreviation FT (Fast Twitch). These muscles work very well in intense and intense muscular activities and are easy to adapt to. These fibers, which contract in a short period of time, are well suited to high-intensity short-term events. These muscles are of primary importance in weightlifting, sprinting sports that require maximum strength.

It is a predominant conglomerate of YK fibers (soleus parts) from the back calf muscles used in major long-term events such as marathons. The gastrocnemius herb, which is used for fast and forceful activity such as jumping, is mainly composed of HK fibers. This is structured in such a way that although the two muscles I mentioned are very close to each other (gastrocnemius muscle, just above the soleus muscle), their use is different.

HK fibers are enriched from high energetic phosphates and glycogen, and thus are equipped with enzymes used in the production of anaerobic (oxygen-free) energy, enabling them to be used. YK fibers also contain abundant amounts of glycogen but contain plenty of enzymes necessary for aerobic metabolism.

Born as a Champion

As a champion, I will explain the champion birth to another as a matter of fact. Today, when I talk about this topic a little bit, let's say: in each case relatively FK and HK fibers are scattered in different places. This is entirely hereditary. One who is a congenial spinner dominates the YK fibers as well as the HK fiber-dominated, innate marathoner.

Muscle Development

Striped skeletal muscles can best respond to workouts that increase strength and fitness. Force training first improves intermuscular and intramuscular coordination. Subsequently, muscular hypertrophy occurs due to the increase in the cross-sectional area of ​​the muscle fiber due to the increase in casual items (actin and myosin). At the same time, the anaerobic metabolic capacity also increases. This results in an increase in the size of muscle myofibrils.

Severe endurance exercises provide a functional reduction in the cross-sectional area of ​​every muscle fiber, ensuring that the metabolic capacity is at its best. The increase in aerobic enzymatic utility of aerobic performance structures leads to better growth of the muscular capillary feeding.

This is why so many people doing bodybuilding refrain from violent aerobic exercises, which are the soothing effects of muscles. However, you guessed that as a result the condition is very disproportionate to the force, much to the back. It is right enough to increase strength and endurance.

Striped Muscles in Our Body

Almost all of our body is covered with striped muscles. Counting all of the striped muscles that cover our body from the beginning to the toe is another very long story. In this article; It is enough to know that your body is covered with muscles that are turning over your nails.

The Importance of Muscle Development

Muscle development can prevent many diseases. It is a small part of the benefits of muscle growth to improve posture and to prevent discomfort such as humpback and scoliosis. To explain the benefits of hundreds of muscle development is too much for this article, I hope another article.

I wish you have developed and healthy muscles.

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