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What is Push-Up?

It is important to ensure correct posture and to protect it during movement in order to get the desired yield from the push-up.
What is push-up? The most basic definition of push-up movement is the "lifting movement of the body on the arms." In the military army gymnastics, push-up, which is defined as such, finds its most basic and clear narrative indeed.

The rest is always detail. Toolless exercises are king for me! It is basic like push-up and learn and practice this exercise which everyone can easily do everywhere. The push-up, which is a prestigious place among bodybuilding movements, is a great opportunity even in the most limited places to play sports.

Inside Man, filmed in 2006, will remember how Filmin starter performs in a tiny place. You just want to make push-ups, there is no obstacle ahead of you!

How is the push-up taken? You will reach for a supine position to stand on the arms and toe tips for a push-up, or go for a kind of quadruple, say whichever you like. No territory of the body, including knees, legs, and abdomen, should touch when the push-up situation is taken.

Only your toes and hands should touch your side. Among the various push-up styles, the knees or groin is touched to the floor and the push-up is made. But that is not the case with the basic push-up action, and certainly not a foot and a non-handrail. During push-ups, some areas like the chest can be changed by the time, I'll explain below how this works.

The arms, which are stretched to pull the push-ups, are twisted from the elbows and brought closer to the body. If you are new to push-up or you are not strong enough, you may be kneeling or approaching the waist while approaching at the push-up.

There is no harm to your chest, even your chest contact with the ground is a good thing to get even more efficiency from the movement. But be careful not to touch your knees and stomach while doing the basic push-up action.

In the second phase of a push-up, it's up to you to lift up the obliquely you have landed. Lift up the turf until your arms become taut again. You will have taken a push-up pushdown, consisting of a landing and a take-off.

During the push-up, I saw a lot of places that were right at the beginning, breaking the postures when making the move, making the movement incomplete and not making enough use of the movement.

I think that's two reasons; First cause weakness (strength or lack of acuity), second reason carelessness, or both. But even if you are strong enough, if you do not try to do the right thing correctly, you can do wrong.

However, if you try to do the movement correctly, even if you are weak, you will develop your muscles in time, so your body will not get in the wrong way because you will get used to this action.

Those who want to make the right push-ups should pay attention to the following in addition to what I wrote above:
Your body should be straight, so your hips should not be too low or too high. These faults reduce the amount of activity you receive from the movement. Do not make these two mistakes.

When I took a push-up, I had a puzzle about how the head should stop. Because I was looking at the floor I normally push up.

So I kept my head looking forward, not up, nor down, or looking at the foot. I mean, I kept my head standing straight in the air. A few athletes I trust in their sports knowledge would like to look forward to doing push-ups. According to them, this should have happened.

But I think it's healthier for the head to stay normal, not to push forward unnecessarily into the spine. However, at the end of the push-ups that I took from looking forward, I should say that I did not suffer from this, so I do not think it is a serious drawback if you want to look forward.

Breath control on the push-up is not different from other exercise movements. You can look at the correct breathing techniques available on our site. So when downloading breathe down your body, give your breath while lifting up your body. Do not take your breath away suddenly and completely remove the data until the end of the movement of your body.

Which Muscles Work When Pushing Up?

I know many of you do push-ups in just one breast and triceps Do you think that exercise. But some of you know that this is not true. Push up the chest muscles and triceps muscles is more loaded, the muscles that run more accurate.

But one of the things that makes perfect for me to push up the majority of his muscle groups run.

Let me count the major muscles that run when taking action Basic push-ups: Your chest muscles (including the upper and lower chest muscle), your shoulder muscles, the trapezius muscle (not participating in the movement, but very effective work), your back muscles, your forearm muscles, abdominal muscles, slightly Your front leg muscles , Your bicep muscles and, of course, your back muscles.

With a single move, you can work the muscles in all these regions. Do not you think push-up is a great move, too?

The types of push-ups are too numerous. In my opinion, this proves how much the push-up is a useful move. I will talk about how push-ups diversify before I briefly tell you about the types of push-ups:

According to the position of the feet

According to the position of the hands relative to the shoulder

And you have the position of your elbow relative to the trunk, but that's not really important because there are only two options.

If your arms are sideways looking upwards or frontal, or if your trunk is in alignment, then that is the angle that your elbow creates.
Instead of punching in the palm of your hand, punching on the punch brings more weight to the wrist.

With these simple values, you can make dozens of different variations. For example, if you want to operate the region between the two breasts more effectively, put your hands at the shoulder, head alignment, inside, towards the center, in the middle of your chest.

My suggestion is that you do not wear these types of push-ups very well and the basic push-up motion is as you have described above, opening your arms from shoulder level, holding them in the shoulder direction and sometimes inside the breast. These 3 basic push-up variations are more than enough for you. I do not want to make it confusing for him.

And hold your elbows, from the front or from above, so that your arms will open towards the sides. If you are wondering how I did it, I have seen the wide angle and narrow angled push-ups and countless benefits as I have described above for years, with my arms open to the side.

The push-ups that the elbows open to the side rather than the chest muscles, rather than the sides of the elbows, instead of the inward strokes are made to work more backache (triceps brachii) muscles, this is the main difference in practice.

Promotion Development

There are two kinds of enhancements that I understand from developing push-ups. One is to increase the reload, the other to increase the load that can be removed when pushing. Your muscles needed to be able to push up under heavy loads must have grown sufficiently. Depending on the muscle quality of people, the load they can lift can change because everyone has different physiological characteristics such as muscle fiber count. So two people in the same kilometer can push up under different loads.

How is push-up developed? Of course by pulling. But having strong back muscles helps you to push up more easily. If you want to do back exercises (triceps kickback, push down etc.) If you ask me how I develop, I would like to ask you, first of all, an exercise that requires continuity.

So if you want to make a high number of push-ups, you have to constantly push up. Even if you do not have a good push-up to get 100-150 strokes on a single admission, for example, if you do not do push-ups for 1 year, it's impossible to do 100 push-ups on an admission.

In addition, when taking a push-up weight to get back, push-up method is a way to work. If you have someone you work with, you can take it, of course you have to be strong enough for it.

At first you need to weigh 5-10 pounds or put sand bags in your backpack, then put your little brother on your back or increase your sand bags.

If you do not have any push-ups, you can push up your knees as shown in the two videos below. Once your muscles reach enough strength, you can push up without putting your feet around. Especially women can not make normal push-ups at first, so they can work that way for the first time.

Of course, do not wait to create miracles in a short time from any movement, including push-ups, but you will see the benefits of the movements you have been doing for a while. Also, instead of trying to fit the exercise into your life for a while, make your whole life a part of your life and your life.

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