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Sports Medicines

Sports medicines ... I probably could not understand what it was meant to be for the first time I heard this word. It's like cancer drugs. Do sports require medication? Or do you have to use medication to cause sports discomfort? I thought that the medicine used in the treatment or prevention of the disorders that might come to the table when I play sports with this word.

But today I am not naive enough to wear these words because I have seen people who have damaged the athletic spirit that pollutes the sport world, or so-called runners who are trying to sell the needle to men who do not know the sport "s". At the same time, I also saw people giving drugs for all kinds of nutritional supplements. I started this article by saying that I can help people by writing an article for the uncertainty in the definition of sports medicine.

First of all, what we need to know is that today the "drug" used in the sporda in our country means two things. These are "doping and steroids" because almost all of the doping and steroids are driven into the market as medicines and it is true that the sporde should be named as such. Because drugs are accepted as drugs in terms of pharmacology, these substances are not found in nature. Most are chemicals except a few that can be obtained by the combination of natural plants.

Doping increases the physical efficiency of athletes unnaturally. In addition, some dopps work by stimulating systems that increase physical fitness in the body. If you mean "sports medicines" and you mean doping, you are using these words correctly.

There is also the word "drug" used by foreign humans in spores, which is actually legal "nutritional supplements" that are non-steroidal and non-sterile, and which are safe for use by athletes. Of course, medicines for these products are misleading because the word "medicines" for nutritional supplements is a misleading definition.

In fact, drug word: "It means the substance used in various ways to improve or prevent a disease, and when it is used in this sense, any kind of thing can be regarded as" drug. "So even the simplest food is used as medicine, yes it is medicine. However, if there is no discomfort for athletes to develop a more balanced nutrition and performance, the nutritional supplements they use are not "medicines," although they can be used as medicines if necessary, but that does not mean that they have taken the definition of medicines in a pharmacological sense. Nutritional supplements If you say "medicines" to natural products, you know that you might also mean doping with what you say, but there is as much difference between doping and nutritional support as mountains.

Supplement foods; They are sold in powder, liquid and pills. Pill-shaped nutritional supplements are the most common type. Pill-shaped dietary supplements should not be mixed with pill steroids. More importantly, anabolic steroids in pill form should not be used as supplements!

By helping to conserve your body from illnesses by acting as a sports medicine made conscious. Whether you're a sport or a sport.

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