Where are Six Packs?

The abdominal muscles are, in my opinion, the most aesthetic muscles in the human body. These muscles; From ancient Greek sculptures to mythological portrayals, from battle armor to contemporary video clips.
Who would not want to have the imposing abdominal muscles that are hard and sliced like diamond marble and diamond-sharp?
The research shows that the muscle group that women find sexiest in men is the abdominal muscles. Actually, there are actors who owed much of their celebrity to their abdominal muscles nowadays, as you can guess at the beginning, Brad Pitt is coming.
Now let's ask the question which should leave the magazine size of our writing on a side. How are we supposed to have these abdominal muscles ..?
If you want to talk about the anatomy and tasks of these muscles before you answer this question, do not we have something we do not understand?
We can basically divide the stomach muscles into three main regions; Upper abdominal muscles "muscular rectus abdominis" lower abdominal muscles; "Muscular obliquus externus abdominis" and, according to their orientation, side abdominal muscles: "musculus obliquus internus abdominis" and "muscular transversus abdominis".
In fact, the main tasks of these muscles are to protect the internal organs, to bend forward, to turn sideways, and to keep the pelvis stable while walking. We use these muscles unconsciously, for example, when we cough and witness the violent contractions. Women also use these muscles during childbirth.
The part that interests us is the aesthetic side, but it is located at the center of the abdominal body and contributes to the increase of power considerably. Athletes with strong abdominal muscles increase their elasticity and resistance to weight.
Yes, I seem to hear you. Everything is fine, but how will we have these abdominal muscles? You ask. If you want to have impressive abdominal muscles, you must first learn to be patient and tolerate.
Do not fool yourself, you can not sleep one night and wake up with your abdominal muscles the next morning! It only happens in Spiderman. Even six-year-old children know that the most effective movement to see these sympathetic love clippings from the outside is the shuttle. The important point here is your body fat ratio. You can not melt your stomach oils by pulling and compressing the shuttle. Unfortunately, regional weakening is not possible. As long as you do not lower your body fat to below 12% with a healthy diet and a healthy nutrition program, no matter how long you work, your abdominal muscles can not be seen from the outside!
You can prepare your nutritionist for your body type to a nutritionist, or you can prepare yourself by doing enough research. Anyone who is closely related to bodybuilding knows how to feed to burn fat. When you go to complex carbohydrates as much as possible by increasing protein uptake, it is not even the case that you reduce the excess oil intake and conquer simple sugar consumption.
We can roughly order the nutrients that will make you muscle without increasing the body fat, the main point is to increase the protein and to choose qualities instead of poor quality carbohydrates:
● Fish and poultry, especially grilled and other meat products
● Other cereals, especially oats
● Other non-fat yoghurt, milk and dairy products, especially lamb cheese
● Egg white
● Olive oil, almond oil, greasy seeds, and of course fish oil (If you are not a professional bodybuilder during definition, never cut off the oil completely because diets that have no oil at all are not healthy, so choose healthy oils.
● Other legumes, especially lentils and chickpeas
● Complex carbohydrates, especially brown pasta, rice pilaf, bulgur and whole wheat bread.
Hundreds of crunches and shuttle movements have been discovered by professionals to work around the stomach and waist of the belly, and even the machines invented for this work have been discovered.
There is a full charge in this business that wants to break the money, unfortunately. You have seen TV commercials that promise you will have your abdominal muscles without ever being tired or forced.
Obviously it is not possible to muscle without difficulty. This is necessary for the body to build muscle. The abdominal muscles are developed by the principle of development of other muscles. The mechanical compression movements and the weighty shuttles that you can make a little more forceful and less set movements are towards the fatigue of the cardiolar and the half shuttles.
The movements you lift your legs upward while lying on a flat platform are the lower stomach muscles. Move back to the flat position and lift up the upper part and move the upper muscles of the upper muscles. Obliques, that is, your side stomach muscles, work when you are bending to the sides. I am adding a video that shows you some sample abdominal exercises that you can also do at home.
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