How Healthy Are Margarines?

The trans fats found in hot pressed vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, soy, margarine) have been expressed by the food industry, which has not spoiled human health for many years, and the scientists who are not few in number. However, independent scientists said that these oils could cause many diseases, especially heart diseases. They were enemies to the people. They either prevented people from consuming cheap oil. The day was over. The Margarines now boast that they have removed trans fats from 'margarines' that they previously said 'no harm'.
Margarine is simply a solidified form of very cheap vegetable oils by chemical means (hydrogenation). Hydrogenated oils (margarines) is a form in which the oils are made solid by saturating them with hydrogen to provide liquids. So, to solidify those double bonds open and place hydrogen in their place. This process is called hydrogenation and the oils are saturated with hydrogen in nickel catalysts.
Trans fatty acids occur during this process. The trans fats obtained in this way are synthetic. They are not found in nature. We do not recognize these synthetic trans fats. The oils of the nature we consume as edible oil (butter, inner oil, tailpipes, extra virgin olive oil) are almost all trans-form (cis-shaped) oils. (In the Appendix section you will find the chemical properties of the oils).
There are also small amounts of trans fatty acid (via biohydrogenation) in milk and meat of ruminant animals. However, these natural trans fatty acids should not be mixed with synthetic trans fatty acids. Studies have not identified any harmful effects of natural trans fatty acids. The daily amount of natural trans fat is at least 25 times less than that of synthetic trans fatty acid intake. But at the time of the margariths, this divergence of the scientific truth "see trans fats also exist in natural fats; Then trans fats are harmless ". Obviously, the clappers are also getting the necessary support from the science (!) Guys.
You are surprised that there are so many transvestites in your food that are obvious or hidden (clothed!). There are many kinds of baked goods such as biscuits, cakes, chocolates, crackers, waffles, chips, salad dressings, cakes, cookies, pastries, pastes, crackers, buns, pastries, baklava etc. with potato fries, chicken fudges, donuts and more. If you notice, these packaged foods contain "hydrogenated vegetable oil" or "hydrogenated vegetable oil". For an ordinary citizen it does not mean much, even if he has read them. 'The state is not harmful to health, as the state permits,' they think. But they are badly wrong.
Indeed, in recent years, the World Health Organization has warned everybody to remove trans fats from the diet. In many countries, trans fat levels have been legislated. All these margarines will soon be banned.
In recent years, margarine producers have used a method called interesterification for the production of margarine from vegetable oils. Interesterification is simply the exchange of unsaturated fatty acids with hydrogen, the fatty acids that provide for association, and the fatty acids that cause liquefaction, using enzymes or chemical methods. This method greatly reduces trans fats found in old margarines.
That's why margarines are collaborating with renowned dietitians to praise the zero-trans fat margarine. How many million people died beforehand? Who will pay for this? Industrialists will defend themselves, "We have no sin, scientists say they have no harm with their research!" They will never tell the truth that research has been financed by them (Custom-made science!).
When examined well, it will be seen that the trans fats in the margarines do not go to zero. Margarines are lancing transgender oils of less than 1 gram in 100 grams of oil as zero trans fats. You can easily see that the total dose taken increases when you are thinking about how widely used hot pressed vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, soy, margarine) and overhead packaged or unpatterned foods are used. It's a trick.

In addition, when so many omega-6s are taken (all of the oils mentioned are very rich in omega-6), the omega-6 / omega-3 ratio increases tremendously. When this ratio should not be more than 4/1, we see that it goes up to almost 50/1. This has a significant share in the formation of a large number of chronic illnesses, such as obesity, diabetes, coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, ulcers, asthma, rheumatism, chronic fatigue, cancer and osteoporosis.
The interesterification process also increases the shelf life of oils like the previous solidification process almost forever (you will see that it plasticizes the oil). The years when a medicine is not harmful to human health before it goes out to the market are revealed as a result of multi-stage research. Unfortunately, the interesterification process has been conducted without investigating possible effects on human health. Here are the results of a few researches.

Research 1
A study published in 1999 compared the two groups of patients who received butter and interesterified fatty acid for 10 weeks. Blood cholesterol was not elevated in both groups, but triglyceride (blood fat) was found high in the interesterified fatty acid group.

Research 2
In 2000, another research was published on the same topic. Butter and interesterification fatty acid area compared to two groups of people. At the end of the study there was no change in the blood oils of both groups. This is the only study that says interesterification of fatty acids is not harmful, and it was ordered by a margarine company. (Which of the researches they have ordered has produced a result against margarine anyway!). But you have caught your attention. In both of these works the butter seems innocent.
Research 3
The main repercussions were made in Malaysia and published in 2007. 30 volunteers were given natural saturated (animal) fat, trans fat-containing margarine and interesterified fat-containing margarine in thirty-day periods. In both margarine groups, LDL (bad cholesterol) / HDL (good cholesterol ratio and blood sugar increased, whereas there was no increase in levels or levels in the natural saturated fat-eating group.
How interesting is not it? While cholesterol-free margarines increase blood cholesterol levels, they do not increase natural saturated fats containing cholesterol!
It is not possible to say that interesterification oils are harmless according to a few studies like you will understand. They are even more likely to be harmful.
So the same scenario is being played again. So the donkey, the same donkey; Only the sari has changed. As with trans fats, it will probably take another 20-30 years to ban interceptor fatty acids. Industrialists also benefit the public at the expense of health.
There are also a lot of margarine supporters who were against saturated fat. Margarine is not saturated, is it? Another issue is that some of the dietitians who are now advertising margarine said they should not consume margarine before. Of course the world is changing, too!
Kitchen Products and the Margarine Industrialists' Association advertised '7 Facts' about the margarine in the company of famous dietitians to the public. Let's see these facts, how real.
1. Margarine is produced entirely from vegetable oils.
Yes, that's right, but it's not a rule. If you want to say that animal fat is bad, your mammalian offspring should not breastfeed to be unhealthy.
2. Margarine does not contain cholesterol.
Of course. Because plants do not have cholesterol. This is not a good thing either. Cholesterol D is the main ingredient of vitamin D, male hormones, feminine hormones, other hormones and bile acids. If you are not as dietary as your diet, your body's natural cholesterol production increases, and at the same time, it increases the anti-inflammatory properties of the body. These inflammation substances lead to a large number of chronic diseases, especially heart disease and cancer.
3. Margarine does not contain trans fats
False! Trans fats are low but not zero. Hazrets deceive the public by lancing in the form of trans-fat, zero-trans fat, which falls below 1 gram in 100 grams of oil specified in the legal obligation. If you look at their labels anyway, you can easily see how many grams of trans fat it contains.
4. Margarine contributes to nutritional diversity
If there is a variety of good things to do with the bad, right.
5. Margarine contains Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils.
Sunflower does not contain omega-3 if it is made from corn, cotton oil. However, they contain omega-3 if made from canola, soya, palm, walnut, flaxseed and olive oil. Some margarines may contain some omega-3 fatty acids if they use these oils. Margariths do not talk about Omega-6 / Omega-3, which is very important in terms of human health. The ratio should not be more than 10: 1 (the ideal is less than 4: 1). Besides, omega-3 fatty acids found in margarines (if any) are inactive alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). In animal fats, there are active omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DEHA).
6. It contains margarine and vitamin D.
Margarines destroy the natural vitamins found in oil with the chemical and physical processes they do, and then put a couple of them inside. Then they eat with it. However, there are many vitamins in natural oil, including these. Hele, if these animals are fed on pastures.
7. Margarine is a good source of energy.
It is true that it is an energy source but it is a bad source of energy. Mazotta is an energy source, but the plane does not fly.
- • Fat restriction is harmful to the body. Excellent food comes from more than 50% of the mother's milk calories. Most of these oils form saturated fats and cholesterol. Some scientists and dietitians unfortunately think they are more knowledgeable than ever before.
- • Contrary to popular belief, foods that are low in fat, and therefore have a lot of sugar, are more hungry and more fattening.
- • Industrial vegetable oils (margarine, sunflower, soybean, corn, etc.) are subjected to high heat treatments and pressures during their production. This is why they cause many degenerative diseases and cancers. Cholesterol is not a superiority but a weakness. They are absolutely not to be consumed.
- • Extra virgin olive oil is an excellent oil. Preferably it should be used in salads and cold dishes (olive oil).
- • Hot pressed oils such as Riviera olive oil, hazelnut oil and canola can only be used as a second option.
- • Animal oils such as butter, inner and tail fat (saturated oils) are excellent oils that are extremely heat resistant. For millions of years, their use by people is the most important reference. They should be preferred in hot dishes.
- • Whenever possible, animals of free grazing should be consumed. You should pay attention to the fakes on the market of butter (dressed on margarine). The fake melts when left out, leaving much stain on the knife.
- • Fish oil is the most important omega-3 source. Everyone should use it from babies, pregnant women, teenagers and elderly people. At least 500 mg active substance (EPA + DHEA) should be used daily. In chronic diseases
Many physicians and dietitians recommend that saturated and cholesterol-rich oils such as red meat, butter and milk should not be consumed to protect against heart disease. The researches that are made show the opposite.
In traditional diets, high levels of fat (60-80% fat) are rich in saturated fat - Aborigines (Australia), Eskimolar (Canada), Hazards (Tanzania), Kunglar (Botswana), Pigmeler (Zaire) Levels are much lower than Americans (USA) who consume much less saturated fat (35-40%). In these naturally fed communities, death from coronary heart disease is almost nil. However, when these communities migrate to the cities of the western type, their mortality rate from coronary heart disease is at least as high as the others, and even higher among them.
Mean blood cholesterol levels in diets with high fat:
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