Suggestions for Fat Burning

Everyone knows how to burn fat, right? If this is so easy, why do so few seem to succeed and look good?
We want to tell you something different from what everyone else says. It's not just about using a good diet plan, adequate and right exercise, and the best nutrition support on the market. The most important part of losing weight is how you approach it as mental.
Simply put, what you need to do is implement your plan. So much.
First, let's assume that you have already done the following;
If you do cardio six times a week for 40-60 minutes,
If you eat protein 5-8 times a day, the weight of protein, healthy fats and vegetables,
Do not skip the next carbohydrate (take 1 gram for every 4 kilograms)
Try not to skip the next protein (take 0.5 grams per kilogram)
You have slept at least 6 hours;
If you do these regularly, you can get better results with the following suggestions.
Getting Difficult Times
Some days may be more difficult than others, especially when you start new. Hani, you know what you ask yourself again and again about why you are doing cardio.
You are very sorry for yourself and you think everyone is better. You think of 'normal' people who eat ice cream every hour and you wish to be one of them.
What you need to do is; Motivate yourself to apply your plan.
Most girls die for a perfect body, but they believe that walking in the park is the secret. Even if you tell them it's a little bit more difficult, they will not believe you until they face the truth.
You do not diet, you follow a perfect diet plan.
When I have to lose a few pounds, I never say I'm on a diet because the word 'diet' gives me an excess of appetite. Then I want to run the markete and get the chocolate, the fish tanks and other fattening things.
I say that I can eat everything, including ice cream and sugar. Very much, of course.
But if I eat like a horse dying of starvation, I should know what to do.
I know that if you seduce me it will make me fat and prevent me from having a dream body. After that, the happiness of the chocolate and fish garbage that I ate will remain.
But it will not take too long, maybe 2 hours or so, and then I'll start to regret it. It will be too late by then. I just destroyed a 10-hour cardio, what for? For a tiny chocolate?
Show yourself
Nothing pleasures as much as your muscles swell, so do not take everything in your cupboard and put it on top. Allow yourself to see the gym at the same time, you will feel much more powerful.
Do not think about the jealousy that accuses you of this. If they are jealous, they have some general psychological problems. You should get used to these pessimistic people who are jealous of those who reach their destination.
Coming from the top of the boring cardion
Okay, again the same thing, are you tired of Stairmaster already? Hey, you've only done it 40 times this month! Make a list of things you can think of while working. This is my list;
I think I do this boring thing first. So it is not fun to do it at 4.30 in the morning and I should not forget how important it is.
I tell myself that this exercise is the last exercise and that I will have the body I want to do exactly. (I know it is a lie, but my psychology is easily taken.)
If I make this cardio, I promise myself that I will eat a chocolate because of my greatest. It's a big lie, but after I finish working out, it does not matter, it's unnecessary to eat something that is already meaningless to me.
I bring my weakened physics to my eyes and imagine the interpretations of how influential people are.
Listen to the best cardio music, Irish folk music. You will be fully charged with the promise. Think about how your perfect physique will look if you take a photograph in a sorgue magazine. What questions did they ask? How would they take pictures? The article would have interpretations of what sponsors showed.
Why it is important
Do not listen to those who say it is impossible to achieve your goal. They do not know they just think you did. Of course listen to the people but watch what you say and what you say to yourself. Whatever you believe what you are, just remember it.
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