Do You Make Exercise When You're ill?

Do You Make Exercise When You're ill?
Sports activities, such as running, rowing, running on a band, just being healthy are usually a bit boring. I do not want anyone to hear the blasphemies I've been sitting at.
That is why we are looking for small things to break up our daily, sportive activity. "I'm very tired today, do not play sports," "I came home late, I did not have time," or "I feel a little throat burning today.
What diseases should we not sport? Half-hour light exercise has been shown to increase the number of T cells responsible for the defense of the body. In contrast, the defense function of the body is weaker in one and a half hours of intense jogging.
Do we have to give up the sport every time we have flu? Of course, in important diseases the decision will be made by your doctor, the disease group I mentioned is simple upper respiratory tract infections such as flu, simple colds, sore throat, coughing that bother us several times each year. Here are my suggestions to you;
1) If your fever is over 37.5, do not play sports.
2) If you feel that your lungs are full and you are coughing, do not play sports if your nose is yellow green or bloody discharge.
3) Pain is an important warning, do not do sports if you are sick.
4) Physical fatigue triggers and increases migraine pain; Do not play sports if your head hurts.
In spite of all these simple cold spells do not break the spore. For example, the flow of your nose, sneezing, burning in your throat or slight fatigue or fatigue should not cause you to break the sport.
Do not mix straws with flu!
Every year I get the flu together with the spring season. I do not even ride a bus to get a germ. Nevertheless, I get rid of one, another starts. What can I do to be protected? I know you do not recommend antibiotics, are there any other medications I can take?
Many people who think they have a flu actually have the illness that we call 'allergic rhinitis', popularly known as "hay fever". As your discomfort repeats in the spring, you may have a spring allergy. The indications of two diseases are very similar.
The thing that causes the flu is virus. It's contagious. With complaints such as cough, height of fever, runny nose, joint pain, excessive fatigue (rag disease) makes. The discharge from the burrow may be dark yellow, green and sometimes bloody. The disease lasts up to ten days a week.
In the allergic (spring) allergy, there is nose and eye discharge like the same influenza infection but common muscle-joint pain and fever are not seen. Sneeze is very common in the morning. The nasal discharge is not green and dark but light, like water. Patients may complain of a bit of fatigue, but usually they do not get a mattress.
The condition of allergic rhinitis does not last for a week or ten days, such as influenza infection; Weekly, sometimes throughout the entire spring season.
There is no reason to stay away from public transport to protect yourself from allergic spring worms if your patient will return. As a matter of fact, if your immune system is not as strong as your immune system, it is very difficult to protect yourself from the disease. Besides taking care of hand cleanliness, I do not recommend you to take measures that will remove yourself from social activities and daily life.
Who gets more hay fever?
1. Mothers with allergies are more likely to have hay fever.
2. The family is more likely to be seen in the first child.
3. It is seen more in nature in spring.
4. His parents are more likely to be smokers.
May I need to use medicine?
I have written before, the best medicine is the poultry soup. Be sure to boil the chicken pieces for more than an hour. Increase your fluid intake. If you have a cough, I offer honey.
Those who are not good at milking can swallow a sweet spoonful of honey two or three times a day when someone is lying down. As for allergic rhinitis; If your complaints repeat every spring, pass by itself in a month, and do not significantly affect your life, do not use medication.
You can get a simple anti-allergic pills job from your pharmacy. If you have more complaints, consult a chest disease or otolaryngologist, and some spray-applied complaints may be reduced.
Some Suggestions for Protection from Spring Allergy (from Hay Fever)
1. Open doors and windows less often these days when trees bloom.
2. Do not hang your clothes, especially towels and bed sheets.
3. Do not exercise outside in the morning when pollen is excessive.
4. Stay away from gardening.
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