Stone Age Diet

Since the day it was published, the stonemason diet has seen an ever-increasing interest. Here is a stone-free diet! Your comments about this diet are important to us, and the feelings we have received so far have been very pleased with the diet, and many doctors and nutrition experts confirm that it will be effective when you examine this diet. Over time, my system will include comments from doctors and dietitians who have comments and clarifications on this diet. If you still do not know, we offer Stone Diet below.
Current Stone Revolution Diet (Basic Principles of Healthy Living)
Philosophy in Stone Revolutionary Diet: The stone revolution is over 5-10 thousand years ago. Since then, despite the slight changes in our genes until this time, the environmental conditions and especially our food have changed very much. Especially in the last 50-100 years, unnatural, processed and added foods, hot pressed oils such as sunflower, corn, hardened margarine chemically, have started to be used extensively; While consumption of fresh vegetables, fruits and pots has also declined markedly.
The chemical reactions that occur in our bodies and in the connected bodies are not capable of coping with all of the unnatural foods. This inconsistency between the genes and the food causes a number of chronic diseases that have increased in recent years such as obesity, diabetes, coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, ulcers, asthma, rheumatism, chronic fatigue, cancer and osteoporosis. If we want to be protected from these diseases, we must apply a diet that looks like 5-10 thousand years before.
General principle in the Stone Circle Diet: Three white (salt, sugar and flour) are forbidden or should be reduced very much. Every food should be consumed in the closest way to the natural shape. Except for prohibitions, there is no eating limit. You can eat until full. Raw foods should constitute at least 60% of the total diet.
Stone-devouring Meat: It will not be fat-free, it will not be overcooked.
Red Meat: (preferably not foddered, grazing animal meat), sausage, roast, bacon etc. free. Salami-sausage should not be preferred due to additives.
Offset: liver, kidney, heart, tripe, sleepy red meat (muscle) more useful. But be careful not to be sick.
White meat: preferably village poultry and other poultry (village cheese is late cooked)
Fish: (small fish should be preferred to reduce heavy metal poisoning risk, fish farm fish should not be preferred)
Egg in the Stone Age: It is the highest quality protein source. Village eggs should be preferred. 1-4 edible a day. According to the order of preference 1st raw, 2nd raw, 3rd lob, 4th frying (if possible, do not eat it, if it is renewed, in olive oil or in nuts oil or in butter and must be baked first,

Vegetables in Stone Age:
Every kind can be eaten. More raw should be consumed. Dark green leaves are rich in vitamin K, calcium and magnesium (inhibition of bone erosion!) As well as omega-3 fatty acids. Weeds (hibiscus, sorrel, nettle, nettle, labada etc.) are perfect for natural breeding.
Potatoes: it contains high sugar and must not be defeated.
Garlic: One of the most important foods that protect the cells from rusting (antioxidants). At least two teeth are defeated every day. It can also be taken as a cubit. Eat the garlic (do not swallow) and consume it within 1 hour at the latest.
Onion: At least as valuable as garlic.
Olive: Salt should be removed as much as possible. The salt of the saddle olive is more comfortable. More green olives should be preferred.
Fruits: Apricots, grapes, banana, sugar content such as high-fried bowls limited. Less sugary fruit can be eaten more (tajine preferred). Grape seeds and shells, strawberries, blueberries and cranberries have very high antioxidant effects.
Milk and Dairy Products in the Stone Age:
Village or dairy milk should be preferred. If not, pasteurized daily bottle of milk can be used. Homemade and box milk using UHT technology should not be consumed. Milk or yogurt that is not creamy, non-sour or non-sour is not natural.
Highly fermented dairy products (whole fat yoghurt, whole fat cheese) should be preferred. The kefir fermented milk is very useful. It contains a large number of probiotics (beneficial microbe) to prevent digestive disorders and slow aging.
Legumes: Must be eaten more than 2-3 times a week (chickpeas, beans, lentils, peas, cowpeas, etc.) (should be kept in the water for 48 hours to change water in 12 hours, and cooked in heavy fire (if possible).
Soy: It is not a healthy food as it is said. Reduces protein digestion and intestinal absorption of calcium, iron and zinc. It disrupts thyroid hormone synthesis. Early puberty can lead to infertility and menstrual irregularities. May cause allergies. Very few eddies and even no eddies. Fewer fermented soy products can be eaten.
Shell nuts: (walnuts, nuts, peanuts, sunflower, pumpkin seeds, almonds, etc.). 1-2 handful per day (25-50 grams) is quite useful. Raw and less salty ones should be preferred.
Fatty Diet Fats: Fat restriction is harmful to the body. Contrary to popular belief, people who eat less fat, and therefore have more sugar, are more hungry and more fattening!
Margarine: Definitely forbidden!
Seed oils: (moon flower oil, cottonseed oil, corn oil, soy oil, etc.): Not used or little used. Omega-6 / omega-3 is destabilizing, in favor of omega-6. These oils, which are warm and prestigious, have many features that exacerbate our organs and veins.
Olive oil: Excellent! Those with infiltration should be preferred. The Riviera is the second choice.
Hazelnut oil: like the Riviera. Most of the people on the market are mixed!
Butter: Excellent! Where possible free-grazing animals' oil (village butter). Market-da fake (clothed on margarine) too. The fake melts when left out, leaving much stain on the knife.
Tail and Inner: useful as butter
Stone-devoted Fish Oil: Life potion! It contains large amounts of omega-3 fatty acid. Everyone should use it from babies, pregnant women, young and old. At least 1-2 capsules per day (0.5-1 gr).
Fish oil does not fatten. Available in summer and winter. Since cod liver oil D contains vitamin D, it should not be used in the summer. Otherwise, D can not load vitamins.
Flaxseed: The second most important omega-3 source after fish oil. It also has weak estrogenic properties like soy. First, lightly squeeze and sprinkle 2-3 cups of sweet spoonfuls, yogurts or salads a day after grinding on a coffee grinder. Flax seed is one-tenth of omega-3 power fish oil.
Fries: Harmful to corrode body cells. The most recent refreshments should be made with butter, olive oil, or hazelnut oil. If you want to reduce the harmful effects of fried foods, eat yoghurt with garlic and greens.
Cereals and Honey Fruit in the Stone Revolution Diet: Increased insulin resistance due to high amounts of sugar being absorbed quickly. For this reason, bread, bulgur, corn, rye, pasta, rice and so on. Cereals such as cereals and food and pastry made with them should not be eaten or reduced. Those who have difficulties in adapting to the diets can eat whole wheat bread (village bread), bran bread, rye bread, oat bread and bulgur for a short time.
Tea: All very helpful. Sugar free! Tie and natural gums can make cancer.
Coffee-nest: Not completely forbidden but with limited drinking.
Pickles: Pretty useful. Reduce salt (use lemon salt, as-corbic acid, or vinegar instead of salt to make pickles). Vinegar (especially halis grape circles), pomegranate juice, turnip juice and liquorice juice are very useful in terms of beneficial micros (probiotics).
Salt: Salt naturally found in foods meets our body's need. A small amount of salt can be added into cookware dishes. Do not put salt on your meals and salads. If less salt makes you feel sluggish, increase salt a little.
Spices: The vitamins, minerals and antioxidants they contain are quite useful in terms of the body's detoxifying agent.
Refined sugar (tea sugar, fructose etc.) and foods made with them (pastry, biscuits, waffles, baklava, revani, kadayif etc.) are prohibited.
Chocolate: Once a week, medium size, non-dairy (bitter) and quality chocolate can be eaten (not necessarily!). Chocolate reduces depression in women before menstruation (best magnesium source).
Honey: Halis heals. One or two teaspoons a day can be eaten. Allelade ballars, all types and jams contain excessive sugar and must not be defeated. At least 95% of the ballars in the market are not natural. The molasses made with their own sugar can be eaten with the fruits not being over-rich.
Sweeteners in the Stone Age: Sweeteners and diet products made with them should not be defeated. Especially aspartame (Canderel ®, Sanpa ®, Aspartil ®, Diet - Tat ®, Nutra - tat ®, Diet Coke, sugar - free chewing gum, contained in many dietary foods) can cause many side effects, including depression.
Drink: 1-2 glasses of wine a day (especially red), raki or equivalent drink. There is no obligation!
Soft Drinks: Every kind is forbidden. You can drink fresh fruit juice (with paste) made at home. For soft drinks such as buttermilk, kefir, bozza, turnip or juice.
Water in stone revolution: For 6-8 glasses of water a day. If your urine is dark, you do not drink enough water. The water you drink is extremely cold. For spring water. Do not drink mains water if possible (chlorinated!). Chlorine is put into the water to kill the micros. But he can also do cancer. If you rest the water for at least one hour after taking tap water from the faucet, chlorine will fly. The filtered mains water can be drunk, but does not retain the source water.
Do not drink water with meals, because this dilutes digestive juices and reduces their effectiveness. You can drink water half an hour before or after the meal. Drink one or two glasses of water before sleeping.
Cooking in the Stone Eve Diet: Meals must be cooked slowly in their own water (steaming and cooking in stew should be preferred). Quick cooking methods (frying, grilling, microwave, etc.) are inconvenient. Prefer earth containers, steel containers or tinned copper containers. Do not use teflon and aluminum containers. Do not store hot dishes in alumina foil and stretch.
Do not consume too much frozen food. Do not throw cooking water (except for legumes). Never eat canned food if possible.
Eating Eating in the Stone Eve Diet: At the beginning of the diet, the blood sugar is lowered, so it is more often eaten. Within 1-2 weeks your insulin is fine and 3 meals a day (4-5 meals for children) suffice. Bite the croissants thoroughly! Make breakfast strong in the morning; Dinner is light. Divide the food quantities roughly as follows. Morning: (3), noon: (2), evening: (1) or
After 0.5 to 2 hours of eating any food, if it makes you feel sick, hurt your appetite, cause you to feel tired, or if it makes your stomach hurting too quickly (sugar low!) Reduce the food or eat it at all (listen to your voice!)
Tooth cleaning: After each meal, if not possible, brush your teeth for 2-3 minutes before you go to bed and do not swallow the paste. Do not use fluoride toothpaste until you are sure you will not swallow it in children. Do not reinforce the fluoride tablet for children because sodium fluoride is toxic. Fluoride (calcium fluoride) in food and beverages is natural and not toxic. There are a number of studies showing that it does not reduce the caries of the flour.
Movement in a stone-settled diet: fast hiking for at least half an hour a day, or slow running and double steps of stairs. Cultural physics should be done for at least 3-5 minutes per day. Tiredness should be avoided. Exercise weight should be gradually increased. Choose your goal well. Do the exercises you can do every day. Increase the oxygen in your cells by breathing deep fresh air.
Sunbathing: In sunny weather it should be exposed to the sun for at least half an hour (without glasses) (preferably between 11.00 and 13.00 in winter). The sun's rays provide more comfortable sleep, reduce depression and increase vitamin D synthesis. D protects vitamins against bone diseases, rheumatic diseases, cancer (including skin cancer) and various mental illnesses. Do not stay in the sun during the summer sun bathing in the summer (especially between 11.00-13.00). Side by side, do not boil! Vitamin D ampoule, which is taken in storage form before going out for a holiday, reduces burning in the deep.
Sleep: If possible, sleep before 22.00. Sleep less than 5 hours, sleep more than 9 hours. Remember that you have to be empty for a good night's sleep.
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